extra info 👁️👁️

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Just some extra info on these characters! Ill be posting the next chapter soon <3
I hope-

Tord, he uhm... Hes obviously not okay-

hes been in the asylum the longest out of the four, before he got put on a padded room he wouldn't act harmful towards himself but something set him off one day and workers were forced to go into his room and what they saw was.. shocking.

Tord was on his bed covered in his own blood, how? He picked at his skin with his nails, his room was covered in writing using his blood, some of the legible writing, it was like he was talking to someone mostly saying 'hi, hei HELLO? Hallo'

after cleaning his wounds he was taken to the padded cell as he had lost a lot of his blood. And at that point he went fully insane-

next is Tom :)

he can turn into a monster how? Idk.
why? Because... I dont know... ANYWAYS! whenever he turns into his monster form he feels like he passed out and when he wakes up he remembers nothing, on his shoulders he had purple marks. And thats all-


the figures or people he sees used to be every were but now he only see's them in darker places, he loves to draw (duh) and he draws to keep bad thoughts away.


he hates it when people argue it just makes him remember his past, he trys to stop people when they fight but that makes him get hurt, he feels safe when with Edd and Tom and he feels like he can be himself around them.

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