chp 2

711 21 22

Edd's pov.

It was finally free time now! Me and Matt went to the arts room and we sat down and waited for Tom, grabbing a piece of paper for myself i started to draw a cat,

Soon Tom walked in and we all greeted each other and continued to draw talking his about random things like we usually do...
I looked over at what Tom was drawing and tilted my head
"Who are you drawing?" I asked and Tom looked at me
"i don't really know" he said with a shrug"i had a dream about someone who looked like this" he said as he tapped at his drawing.

The drawing was weird.
It was of a guy with a crazed look in his eyes, one of his eyes had a scar over it he looked like he was laughing and he had sharp teeth with pointed ears, he was wearing a hoodie and his arms were up with one of his hands reaching out and the other grabbing at his face he also had horns and a little tail.
"Thats a cool drawing but a bit creepy" Matt said and i nodded my head
"yeah i know right" Tom said
"He spoke to me but i couldn't understand what he was saying" Tom added on as he reached for some crayons and started to color in The drawing.

Me and Matt continued to draw , i was now coloring in my cat and Matt was drawing some mirrors.

After awhile i looked back over at Toms drawing, he had colored in the hair and face he was now working on the body, the hair was a brown color and the horns were black, Tom made his face really pale the eye with the scare on it was a grey sliver color and the other one was a red color. He was wearing a red hoodie so far.

I had finished my cat drawing so I grabbed another piece of paper and started to draw the things i liked, cola, my cat ringo, bacon my drawing tablet, pencils and broccoli.
Weird combo i know but that didn't matter i just did this because it made me happy.

I was done drawing my cat and moved onto my drawing tablet, i glanced over at what Matt was drawing.
He was trying to draw himself and mirrors along with what looked like a little monkey with tambourines i smiled and looked at Toms drawing.

He was just about finished with the drawing, the guy had a full red hoodie a black demon tail and black ripped pants "wow, that looks really good Tom!" I said and that made him flinch a bit
"oh haha thanks Edd" he said as he looked at me and smiled i smiled back and continued to draw....

༺-----Matt's pov-----༻
We were sent back to our Rooms after free time was done, me and Edd walked back after we said bye to Tom.

Me and Edd entered our room and i sat down on the floor and so did Edd and we soon started to talk.

"I really liked your cat drawing!" I said and Edd smiled
"Thanks Matt i liked your mirrors!" He said and i smiled at him, "what do you think Tom was trying to draw?" I asked as i put my arms to my sides and looked at Edd "hmm, well he said it was someone from his dream" Edd said
"Maybe he had a nightmare? Because that guy looked creepy.." Edd added on and i nodded,
"he did look scary " i said.

"So what do we do now?" I asked as Edd laid down
"well we have a hour until dinner" he said as I laid down as well "so we could just talk" he said with a shrug,
"ooo! Did you have any dreams last night?" I asked smiling.

Edd thought for a moment
"i dont remember all of it, but it was basically me and Ringo!" He said smiling, "that's nice!" I said
"did you have any dreams?" Edd asked.

"Hmm i had one I think, but i don't remember it" i whined and Edd laughed a bit
"thats alright" he said and I smiled at him...

༺-----With Tord-----༻

His hands were restrained down to a table and his legs restrained to the floor, he was screaming asking were he was. The door swung open and a male walked in holding a clipboard, he took a seat on the other side of the table,
"Tord" he said and Tord snapped his head to looked at him he had stopped screaming "Im going to ask and tell you a few things" he said as Tord watched him with unblinking eyes
"okay.." he said quitely as a smile formed onto lips,

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