"Go after my love.~" FishFace x F. Reader

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When you're dating Xever montes since you were Teenagers. You and him were partners to steal anything to make yourself and him as a rich. After Shredder gets you and Xever montes out of the prison, he forced you guys to work with them to find Splinter and his turtles. So you haven't seen Xever montes like in 2 weeks cause he's been mutant as a Pinkish Snakehead.

Warning: Language, Violence, Blood, sexual, and not for kids!


*In the morning, you're at the Cruise with your friends and others. And now you're rich cause you stole everything from everyone and sells them. They haven't noticed.*

"Soooooo, Y/N. How do you like it?" The Caption asked, Y/N took a last drink of Wine.*

"It was great, Captain! I've never been in the ship before when I was an orphan." Y/N said, The Captain hit you in the shoulders.*

"Well, at least you're an adult now. You don't need your parents or anything. You have me, our friends, and anything!" The Captain shouted cheering, Y/N was chuckled.*

"Yeah, even though.. I missed my husband. His name is Xever, and I haven't seen him since 2 weeks. I called him like 56 times, I text him like 103 times, and.... He hasn't answered." Y/N said explaining.*

"Well, I'm sure he's fine. He's probably been busy or something." The Captain said, Y/N looks at him.*

"Yeah, I'm sure I didn't interrupt him, or maybe spamming him." Y/N said, she takes a sip of the wine.*

"Yep, not to. Anyways, I'm like fucking good to be Captain in the Cruise.* The Captain said, Y/N looks down at the ocean.*

"Mhmm, I love it here. I love the ocean, the fish, and the ships. Man, I wish Xever was here to have fun with me like the old past.* Y/N said, she takes a bite of biscuits.*

"Crazy shit, isn't it?" The Captain asked, Y/N looks at him.*

"Like totally crazy shit around. So I'm gonna go have fun around this place.* Y/N said, she puts the glass cup down on the table.*

"Okay, see ya! And at the party!" The Captain yelled, Y/N smiled as she walked away. Y/N would go to her room but she has a roommate, Y/N grabbed a picture of Her and Xever was kissing her on the cheek.*

"*sighs* Where are you, Xever?" Y/N asked sadly, and then she puts the picture down as she sat down on the bed.*

*At the Beach at the sunrise, someone was standing on the bridge. It was Xever but as a mutant.*

"I'm coming for you, Y/N.." FishFace said whispered, he jumps high, and do a flip to dive in the ocean. He's swimming after The ship that you were at. FishFace would grabbed a chain to climbed up there and trying to find ya.*

*Y/N was at the party with people while she dancing, and then she would take a wine to drinks.*

"Hmm.. That's a nice party." Y/N said as she looks at her roommate.*

"Yeah, it's so fucking crazy! Fuck this life! Band bong!" The Roommate shouted as Y/N was giggles. FIshFace jumps on the building, and then he saw you with people.*

"*gasped* My love!" FishFace yelled, Y/N and others didn't hear him cause they have a loud music at the party. FishFace would jumps high as he flip, he fall down, and land next to the disco.*

"Huh? Hey! Nice costume, Bruh!" Dj guy said, FishFace looks at him, he flips his butterfly knife and cut the wire headphone.*

"This is not costume, bitch. I'm here for my wife!" FishFace yelled, Dj Guy stopped the music.*

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