"punished!" Chris Bradford x Xever montes ((Tmnt 2012 ships!))

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If you don't like this ship, then don't read! If you do like this ship then go read! :)

Warning: Language, Sexual, and not for kids! Thank you!

*Xever montes was on the floor in the bedroom, and then he started to cutting some curtain on the window with his butterfly knife.*

Xever Montes: Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle bells! :) *He kept cutting the curtains into a piece, then someone came in*

Chris Bradford: XEVER! Why are you doing that? *Xever montes turned around, and put his butterfly knife away*

Xever Montes: I don't know? I was bored. :V

Chris Bradford: Well.. This time, you must be punished! >:( *Xever montes would smirk, and then he stands up*

Xever montes: W-Well, you could punishing me cause— *Chris Bradford interpreting him*

Chris Bradford: No tricks, Xever! I said, I'm gonna punished you for cutting the curtain! For fuck's sake! *He puts his hands on his waist. Xever montes smirked, then he would push him to the bed with his leg. Then he pinned him to the bed as he's a top of him*

Xever montes: I'll punished you too.~ *Chris Bradford would blushes and look at Xever in the eyes.*

Chris Bradford: I-I-I.... O//~\\O *Xever montes would starting slowly kissing him on the lips. Chris Bradford would kissed him back, Xever were moaning softly, so then Chris Bradford.*

Xever Montes: I love you, Chris.~ *He grinned*

Chris Bradford: I love you too, Xever.. -//w\\-

Sorry, if it was a short video cause I'm lazy to do it. Also, see you next time! And see you next time, Mother(BluewolfJade1) :)

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