"Where's my thief?" Xever montes/Fishface X Reader ((Tmnt2012))

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Since I was thinking about writing Tmnt 2012 x Reader like the other's stories. Cause I'm kinda wanted to do it too. So yeah, this story will the one that you were dating Xever so after he went missing in few months cause he was mutant as a pinkish Snakehead cause is the fights. So you meet him again for such of long time.. Also, this could be female/Male reader! So Read it! :)

Y/N means, "Your name'"

E/C means, "Eye color"

F/N means, "Friend name"

Bsf/N means, "Best friend name"

H/C means, "Hair color"

F/C means, "Favorite color"

F/F means, "Favorite food"

F/M means, "Favorite Movie"

Warning: Language, Sexual, and not for kids.

Enjoy reading the story. :)

*Y/n were working with your master Shredder, so he told you meet him at his office in 10 minutes, then he explains that you need a partner to help you for fighting the turtles. You meet Xever montes after he came in the office, you were blushes as you saw him in the eye, or maybe his looks. Y/N and Xever were friends for few months, Xever would flirting with you cause he has a crush on you, so he ask you to go on the date with him, and you said yes! Y/N and Xever were dating now, and live together at the hotel that you're lived in there before. After 5 months, Xever told you that he was going out to steal some jewelry, but he hasn't come back. Y/N was so worried about him that where did he disappeared! Is he at the jail? Is he stuck somewhere, or... Did he cheat on Y/N? But No! Xever got mutant as a pinkish Snakehead, so he don't want Y/N to see him like that cause S/He thinks he's not Xever, or he's a monster.*

*At the Hotel.*

*Y/N was in the living room, and watching the TV.* "Man, they could make this episode about kicking ass.." Y/N said, S/He would stands up, and goes to the kitchen to make some sushi that saved in the fridge. Y/N would take a chopstick and take a bite of the sushi.*🍣

"Aww, shit! I wish I could eat those with Xever.. But he wasn't here.. I missed him so much.. Where's my thief?" Y/N said as the sushi still in your mouth. Then... The power went off.

"Hm? Come on, I was watching the TV! God damn it.." Y/N yelled, S/He puts the sushi down as you grab a flashlight to fix the lights, Y/N opened the basement as you go downstairs, you opened the box, and turn the powers back on.*

"Okay, I hope it's not the fucking kids again.." Y/N said, S/He heard something from behind Him/Her, so you turned around, and saw a 3 foot cultists. You dropped a flashlight, and leaned against the wall.*

"S-S-Stay back!" Y/N yelled, They started to close you, then they were about to attacked you after you screamed. But, they head a battle cry from a talking fish? He would ran to the one of the foot cultists, and protecting you from them.*

"Back away from her/Him, you filthy creeps!" FishFace yelled, he would takes his giant Butterfly knife to threaten them, and they started to back as they run off. Y/N stopped cover her/His face, and look at FishFace.*

"Hey, Darling. Are you okay?" FishFace asked, He look at you in the eyes. But you were shaking scared, you were still against the wall.*

"P-Please! Don't hurt me.. I don't want to fucking die.." Y/N said, S/He started to cried, but FishFace low his knee down, and hugged you gentle,*

"No, babe.. I'm not going to hurt you.." FishFace said, Y/N were Shocked that he called you, but the only person calls her/Him that was, "Xever!" You were slowly look at him in the eye, and cries.*

"X-Xever? I-Is that really you?" Y/N asked, FishFace would look away, and smiled nervously.*

"Hello darling, we meet again.." FishFace said, Y/N was grinned as S/he cried, and hugged FishFace quickly.*

"Oh my god! Xever! I can't believe, it's you! But Where did you go? And what happened you? You're a giant pink fish with a robotic legs! :V" Y/N asked, FishFace would smiles, and hugged you gentle.*

"Well, I was fighting with the turtles with Bradford, but he broke the glass, and turn us into a freak as mutants.. And now, I'm a fucking talking fish... I don't want you to see me like this cause I'm a freak.. Ugly, hideous, and scary Fish.." FishFace said as he scared, Y/N was speechless, then S/He would hugged him.*

"Look, Xever.. Look, I wouldn't think you of this.. I don't fucking care if you're a human, or like this.. Cause I still love you, and you're Xever montes! Plus, I'm here for you, and please never leave me again? ..." Y/N asked, FishFace was purred, he pinned you against the wall, and nuzzled his head around your neck.*

"Thank you, Sweetheart.. and I promised I won't leave you again.~" FishFace flirted, he would kissed you in the neck, carefully his sharp teeth. Y/N would wrapped her/His arms around FishFace's waist as you kissing him in the lips.*

"I love you, Xever.." Y/N said, FishFace look at you as he grinned.*

"I love you too, Sweat cheeks.~" FishFace flirting again, Y/N and FishFace would laid down each other against the wall, you put your head on FishFace's chest as he hugged you.*

"And I'll protect you, no matter what.." FishFace said, then you fell asleep, and FishFace would fell asleep with you.*

Yay! Looks like they're back together forever! Cause this is a Story of love! Also, have a nice day and enjoy reading! :)

See you next time, and see you mother(BluewolfJade1) :)

Tmnt12 Villains x Reader!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن