70. The New Guide Is A Golden Girl

Start from the beginning

As he told this story, he kept rubbing his palms on his jeans, as if his hands were sweaty, and Y/N felt that he was hiding something.

"You've been gone two weeks," Y/N said. "When we saw the explosion, we thought—"

"I know," Percy said. "I'm sorry. But I figured out how to get through the Labyrinth. I talked to Hephaestus."

"He told you the answer?" Annabeth asked.

"Well, he sort of told me that I already knew."

"Hera said the same thing."

"Wait," Y/N said. "You've seen my mother? And you didn't tell me?"

Annabeth seemed ashamed for a moment. "I didn't feel like it was important. We thought Percy dead. Whether we'd seen your mother in the Labyrinth—"

"Anyway," Percy interrupted, "now I get what Hera meant. It's true. I already know how to find our way in the maze." He turned to Y/N. "Do you remember Rachel?"

Y/N frowned. "The mortal girl? Red hair, green eyes, paint on her jeans?"

"That's her," Percy said. "Well, Hephaestus told me that we needed someone who can see through the Mist, and she can. She saw the skeletons at the Hoover Dam."

Annabeth's jaw dropped. "Percy, that's crazy!"

Chiron sat back in his wheelchair and stroked his beard. "There is precedent, however. Theseus had the help of Ariadne. Harriet Tubman, daughter of Hermes, used many mortals on her Underground Railroad for just this reason."

"But this is my quest," Annabeth said. "I need to lead it."

"Chiron looked uncomfortable. "My dear, it is your quest. But you need help."

"And this is supposed to help? Please! I'm wrong. It's cowardly. It's—"

"Hard to admit we need a mortal's help," Y/N said. "But it's true."

Annabeth glared at him. "You are the single most annoying person I have ever met when you're right!"

He smiled. "I'll try not to forget it."

Chiron smiled, too. "In the morning I will have Argus take you into Manhattan. You might stop by your mother's, Percy. She is . . . understandably distraught."

Percy swallowed. "Chiron, what about Grover and Tyson? Do you think—"

"I don't know, my boy." Chiron gazed into the empty fireplace. "Juniper is quite distressed. All her branches are turning yellow. The Council of Cloven Elders has revoked Grover's searcher's license in absentia. Assuming he comes back alive, they will force him into a shameful exile." He sighed. "Grover and Tyson are very resourceful, however. We can still hope."

"I shouldn't have let them run off," Annabeth said.

"Grover has his own destiny," Chiron said. "And Tyson was brave to follow him."

Suddenly Ethan hurried inside the room. "Chiron! Bad news!"

"Calm down, my young satyr," Chiron said. "Sit down."

He showed a chair, and Ethan sat down. His pupils were reduced to two slits, like a goat's—they did it every time he was scared. Whatever he had to say was really bad.

Ethan inhaled deeply. "Quintus has disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Y/N said. "How?"

"He slipped into the Labyrinth. Juniper watched him go this morning, at dawn."

"My worst suspicions are confirmed," Chiron said grimly.

"He's a spy for Luke," Percy said.

"Chiron," Annabeth said quickly, "when we were in the Labyrinth, we found the Triple G Ranch. Quintus bought his scorpions there, and Geryon, the owner, had been supplying Krono's army."

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