48. Screw The Prophecy!

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Y/N didn't realize he was awake right away.

When he finally got that the void before his eyes was only his cabin's darkness, he sat on his bed. Looking outside, he saw that dawn was still far away. No other sounds but the hoot of an owl in the woods and the distant surf on the beach disturbed the night.

He slipped out of his bed and got himself dressed. Going outside, he grabbed Annabeth's New York Yankees cap. If he was to go, he would find her. Then he would give it back to her.

He trotted across the distance behind cabin two and cabin three, and once he stood in front of Poseidon's cabin, he pounded on the door.

As Percy didn't seem willing to wake up, he pounded harder. THUMP. THUMP.

Suddenly the door flung open, and Y/N found himself face-to-face with a disheveled Percy holding his sword.

"Whoa, man!" Y/N blurted out. "Calm down. It's just me."

"Y/N," Percy said, sounding relieved. "What are you doing here?"

"I've got another question for you: Why have you drawn out Riptide? Oh, and get ready. We're leaving."

"Eh?" Percy said.

"We're leaving," Y/N repeated. "Like, leaving and going to help Annabeth." Hearing all this right after waking up mustn't have been helping Percy, but they didn't really have time. They had to leave before everyone got out of their cabins at night.

Y/N noticed Percy looking over his shoulder, and he turned around.

Instantly he jumped back. He was facing a black pegasus.

"Blackjack," Percy yawned. "It's the middle of the night."

The pegasus huffed.

"How many times have I told you?" Percy said. "Don't call me boss."

Y/N rubbed his eyes. He would never get used to seeing Percy talking to horses. That was the problem with Poseidon's kids: since he created horses out of sea foam, they can talk with most equestrian animals. Sometimes they kind of adopt Poseidon's kids. Well, that was what Percy said.

Blackjack had been a captive on board Luke's ship last summer, until they had caused a little distraction that allowed him to escape. It seemed that Blackjack credited Percy with saving him. Maybe Y/N ought to remind this pegasus who had had a sword thrust in his leg.

"Blackjack," Percy said, "you're supposed to stay in the stables."

Blackjack whinnied.

"Well . . . no."




Y/N sighed. If that was what going on a quest looks like, then he didn't know as much as he thought he did. He didn't understand anything the horse said, and it started to bother him—he felt like a time bomb about to explode. If this donkey didn't go faster—

"All right," Percy said. "We're coming."


"And don't call me boss! Come on, Y/N, we've got some hippocampi to help."

"We?" Y/N said. "No, we've got to help Annabeth, not some hippocampi. We've got to get ready before everybody else wakes up—"

Percy held up Riptide. "I am ready. Just got to check this, and then we're off."

How did I get here?

Y/N flew level with the waves, about three hundred yards away from the beach, Blackjack next to him. Oh, and Percy was forty feet under the surface.

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