He puts his hands on my shoulder forcing my eyes to meet his. There is no pity or judgment in them. He hugs me , crossing his arms behind my shoulder blades . I can hear his heart beating , he could also hear my heart that was pounding in my rib cage.

Jungkeuk, my granny used to say , if someone is sad, you should give him a hug. Sometimes we just need a touch, an assurance that we are not alone ...

How many times he has caressed my wounds by such care , I am grateful that I have him by my side. His grandma is right, we all need acceptance and care time to time, not because we seek attention but because we want to be reminded that we don't have to suffer alone.

He nods after some time and leaves me, focusing  solely on arranging dishes on table and heating food. I also turn to my room for a quick shower.
I look at the mirror trying to find how can he just read me so easily, but all in vain. There was nothing to conclude. I take a quick shower , not planning for eating cold food.

Taehyung's busy in preparing salad as I reach the kitchen. He is probably giving the salad last touches. The way of his to make everything look artistic . The salad plate has heart shape with tomatoes making the heart while cucumbers at the bottom looking like a flower. He looks at the plate and smiles softly, pleased by his work.

"You're back, let's eat". He states and moves for meal. We start eating with his continuous praise and humming about how delicious the food is -which of course it is . In no time , kimchi , jjajangmyeon, gimbap are all gone. The food is made perfect just like Ana's all other works.

After cleaning and drying dishes, we sit on couch leisurely. He didn't ask about it and I was thankful about that. On the TV, a documentary about marine life was playing. There was a stack of clothes at the opposite side of couch. They were his clothes sprawled randomly.

"Hyung, where did you go?" I elbowed to get his attention. He looks at the stack. He grabs the remote and starts strolling on random channels.

"Yeojin has been asking me  to join him on shopping spree for a long time , I thought, I should join this time ." He wasn't excited about the trip as he usually tells about his day. "What did you bought?"

"Nothing". He says nonchalantly. But his expressions say otherwise. He seems to be contemplating , not even paying attention to the TV but merely staring at the wall.  "Wasn't there anything worth buying?"

He huddles the pillow to himself,  placing his head on back and closes his eyes. "I don't understand, " he says -- more to himself, "they know I am not that  rich ,  but they still took me to MC complex, like what was I even supposed to do there , the most expensive complex in the whole city. Even a pair of glasses there could  cost me ...." and he stops .

Sangwoo and Yeojin , his classmates . Sangwoo is quite simple, comes from a decent family on a scholarship, and he is helpful. He doesn't talk much, with the exception of his introverted personality he is no threat. Yeojin on the other side is compulsive, got some daddy issues , want to get things in his own ways , despite having daddy issues flaunting his father's money, to get attention. It's not understandable why he sticks with Tae so much , he is not even one of those flashy kids hungry for any form of attention.

Yeojin doesn't matter , he is mere words. He would never lay hands on Taehyung and he just share a single class with him for this semester. He opens his eyes "Jungeuk, we should wash your car and my cutie, they need a bath".

Before I could stop him, he was rushing to the laundry room, gathering the equipment. There was a rush of zeal in his steps , as he comes out of room he grabs my hand " Be quick , Jeon. They need a  Bath .

"But Hyung." I halted in my steps, he stops and looks back, he jerks his head toward the main door for the garage.  "About Yeojin, you shouldn't mind him. He ... He is just like doing things irrationally".

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