I hope we will meet again!

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Hey everyone...I know I was supposed to publish bonus chapters or updates of my other story but here I am, telling you guys about something which will either make you all mad at me, or you all will feel sad or you won't feel anything at all, lol.

I have unpublished my other book and the bonus chapter I wrote for this book.


2 years back, I started writing... when things were becoming hard. I used to read a lot!! And I still do but writing became my escape. I was at a very very low point when writing acted like a rope and pulled me up and I will always be grateful to it.

But now, it's time to move on. It's time to leave this beautiful fancy world and do something big and amazing in real life as well. I am done with my school life and will be starting college pretty soon. Writing has always been special to me but for the last few months, I am not doing justice to it. Stories ask for time, patience, creativity, and heart and I am not giving any of these things to it.

That's why I have decided to take a break. Till when? I don't know. Maybe 6 weeks? 6 months? Or 6 years (I hope not) ? I really don't know but I wish I will come back sooner and this time not to find an escape but to provide my gratitude to it, but to feel satisfied like I used to.

I hope when I will come back, I will still find the readers who were there for my first story along with new ones!

But till then.. miss me

Signing Off
Fairy dolls/ ScarOfTheWind❤️

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