Chapter 37- Meeting the future queen.

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Lyla Owens pov:

I was left with my friends in a mansion a mile away from home, no one knew where I was, and that's how I wanted it. I was running around the house barefooted with the girls and a group of older respective men around us. "Lyla April!" I heard a shout and turned around it was only my Owen, my sweet Owen. The love of my life.  I saw his face it went red like a crushed cherry. I saw his face, beaming with love. He held me up tightly not wanting to let go. "I love you, Lyla Owens." I just beamed with pride not replying just enjoying the moment while it lasted. 

"Let's get back to the group there going to get annoyed we left them again." He said while putting his arms around me walking outside the mansion, to find the group sitting down outside in a circle drinking whisky and smoking. Owen was standing close to me but hesitated when talking"what is it?" I asked he just muttered, "I got to go see my friend." "Who that?" I ask "Edward." "Who is he?" I continually ask "Just someone I knew in my pasted will go to his place later."

Prince Fredericks pov: 

My mum found out what my uncles told me and my cousin, She was shouting at me. "Freddie you're too young to understand." I laughed "Mum I'm eighteen years old I'm an adult."  She gave me a look all mothers knew, "All things in this family come at a price, you should this. You knew what happened to me. I'm trying to look out for you baby." "Doesn't feel like it, I know what I'm doing mum." She just looked at me then turned away "Fine don't come to me when it fucks up."  My mother was commenting on my white top and said I should be wearing something more appropriate. Then I went out to go look for Kelly but instead, I found my old friend Lyla Owens.

I Found Lyla Owens, an old friend. With her boyfriend and the others who I knew once.  "Hey, Ly's " She looked confused "O my Freddie." She hugged me and then I said hi to her boyfriend, I let them into the palace. 


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 I found Henry outside in the garden sitting at the round table, Lyla looked interested but since she was with her boyfriend she hid it well

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 I found Henry outside in the garden sitting at the round table, Lyla looked interested but since she was with her boyfriend she hid it well. 

prince Henry pov:

I met Fred's old friends, I saw a girl who was enchanting, just by the look of her I knew she was the one for me. I've got a new target. And it's that girl.

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