Chapter 33- baby blues

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Abigale Taylor pov: 

I was sick and tired of the nurses telling me my baby is not going to get better, and he was sick. So I stood there not moving not letting the nurses leave "No, you have a job, to look after my son. I'm not going anywhere till that happens."  They were all looking at me sighing "Your grace, we  can't do anymore." "No, I won't expect that." I couldn't, he was mine.  My boyfriend walked in on this heated conversation, he was holding little Freddie. He looked almost sad about it too, but he closed his eyes. I then left frustrated and went into our room. I sat down on the chair. Followed by Jack, He set the baby down. "We need to do something," he says.  I laughed and turned away "Who you mean, your son the prince or the bastard? " He looks at me not saying anything "Why do you do this?" He asks I only say "You did this, not me, I didn't have sex with that whore."  He looks away again not looking at me.  "You were quiet about that weren't you? too bad these women in this household love a  scandal". 

"I've grown up Ab's I know the rule being with a princess." I looked into his eyes "Do you really? Pray do tell, won't you?" "I must marry you." I laughed out this time "For you to cheat on me? no thank you, not going to happen." He turned his body to me and he put my hand up on my face watching my eyes  "Why not? we've been together for ten years now, they expect us to do this. I want to do this. I love you." I rolled my eyes "Yeah you love me when you're in bed with Lily, clearly, that's love." He bit his lip "That was years ago."  "Still had a baby with other women, didn't you? I remember the days when we started, you said I was your only. What lies."  Then I said, "I should have never run away with you." "You know what go live with her." No" He snaps his hill and looks at me carefully "I chose you, not her."  He says his crying at this point now, "I love you." "I don't trust you." I spitted out. 

His arm crawled its way up my neck "I am going to show you I'm serious, I'm never going to leave you." 


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