"I want you to have fun for the summer. Children are meant to have fun, especially during holidays" - Severus said firmly.

The boy nodded, resigned.

They continued their breakfast in silence. Just as Harry was about to stand up and bring his plate to the sink, he felt warm liquid trickle down his legs. He looked down in horror. Severus, by Harry's expression and the sound of liquid hitting the floor, could guess what had happened. Since Harry's bladder is weak, it's understandable that the boy hadn't got it all out this morning when he used the toilet, and as a result, it came out now without the boy's control.

Harry's eyes got ready very quickly as he sat on the soaked chair. Severus stood up, walked over to him, and waved his wand to spell the boy, chair, and floor clean.

"You can go take a quick shower if you want" - Severus said gently as cleaning charms can be used to clean up people but it might not make a person feel clean.

The boy nodded shakily and climbed off the chair, but as he was walking out of the kitchen, he turned back and looked at the man.

"What if I have an accident while we are going out"

"Well, I could help you clean up if you want, but I think it would be better if you wear one of your pull-ups. It's up to you" - he added, not wanting Harry to feel forced.

Harry came upstairs as Severus cleaned up the table. He decided that he should pack some extra clothes in case of an accident. He took one of the backpacks and walked upstairs to Harry's room. As he finished packing 2 spare sets of clothes, Harry came into the room after having showered.

"I put on the pull-up" - he said shyly.

"Well done" - he said. Harry seemed to be so quiet and shy, more than his usual self before the neglect happened.

"Let's go then" - he stood up as he shrank the backpack.

They came downstairs and informed Toppy that they wouldn't return for lunch since Severus would take Harry out past lunchtime. Severus asked Harry to stand in front of him and gently tapped on the boy's head using his wand.

"What's that?" - Harry felt like a small breeze had just washed over him from head to toe"

"I just put a glamour on you to change your appearance. If anyone asks, you're my nephew, ok? You will be 8 years old"

Harry pouted at him.

"But, I'm 11"

"Yes, but you're malnourished. They will question if you say your real age. Furthermore, we want you to be as less associated with Harry Potter as possible" - Severus explained, raising an eyebrow. It was true. Harry only stood to the man's waist.

Harry nodded, touching his head to find that his hair was straight and stayed flat for once!! Then they stepped outside to the apparition spot and disappeared.

They appeared in an alley and walked out to find it was a small town with wizards and witches walking around.

"Where are we?" - Harry asked, looking up at him innocently.

"This is Blue Field. I went here once for my study and got to know that this town is very family-friendly. Many families are living here. I'm sure we can find some magical toys you would love."

Harry looked around in awe as they started walking further into the town. After a few minutes, they stopped in front of a big toy store named 'A Zone For Joy And Creativity'. It was big, very big in Harry's opinion. He had never been allowed in a toy store. He had always been made to stand outside if he and his relatives were out and Dudley demanded to go into a toy store.

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