We all stand up and leave. We get to the parking lot and ask the driver to drive us to club Fantasia. Jessica and Michelle get in first and they sit next to each other leaving me with Kuhle. These people are gonna annoy the living kak out of me. Like why are they putting me under the spotlight with him. His my crush for goodness sakes.

The driver drives off and i ask to connect to the radio. I go through my playlist to look for a nice song. "Amapiano or RnB?" I ask. "RnB." answers Michelle. I play Love in this club (remix) by Usher ft Beyonce and Lil Wayne. "I should make plans to marry you because you understand my mood." "Yes babes you and i have a bright future ahead of us." We chuckle.

We start singing and dancing until we get to club Fantasia. The outside looks inviting and you can hear the music. These clubs have weird names that's for sure but they are the ones with the most vibe. We get out of the car and head straight to the VIP section. A waitress comes to us and takes our orders. "Are you okay?" I ask Kuhle. "Yah." he answers. "Sure sure?" "Yes." He looks a bit off but maybe its just from my side. The waitress brings our food and we start eating while dancing.

After a good 3 hours of partying and having fun we head to the hotel. Me and Kuhle are tipsy while the other two are gone. These two are lightweights and they aren't people you can go out with and expect them to bring you back safely.

After putting the two in their rooms we say our goodnights and i head to my room. When i get inside I take a shower and wear my pjamas. Even though i feel funky wunky i want to do my research before i go to bed. I take my laptop and start googling about the charges against Sthembiso Khoza.

He was arrested because of trafficking drugs, diamonds and weapons and the murder of Thabiso Mbele. The truck that had the weapons and drugs and diamonds was found on the N1 route. They were going to cross the border between here and Swaziland. Thabiso Mbele was one of his workers and he was shot three times in the chest and twice in the head.

I search for the prosecutor of the case and its Nthabiseng Koei. I do my research of Nthabiseng to see if i should be scared of her but nah she is just a small fish..that's if she doesn't have any overwhelming evidence against him that could affect the case. I put the computer away as i feel i have done enough research for tonight. I switch off the lights and my phone rings. It's my dad that's calling.

"Baba." I greet. "Did you see the news?" he asks. "That I have a new father and you not my biological dad." "Not that." "You not even asking if I'm fine and you asking about news." "I'm sorry. How are you my favourite daughter?" "Correction your most successful daughter but I'm good and you." "I'm okay. Now answer my question did you see the news." "There is a lot of news in the world so you gotta specify which one." "Sthembiso Khoza arrest." "Yeah I did."

"And you representing him right?" he asks. "Yes, why you asking?" I ask. "Because this is the perfect opportunity." "Perfect opportunity to do what?" "To strike." "Strike how?" "Get them." "You do realise that i am helping him so he can come and kill me." "That won't happen." "How are we gonna get them?" "You will have to start spending more time with him so you are able to get more information out of him and then we catch them at their weakest."

"Baba I am not a worm that will be eaten by a big fish." I say in an annoyed tone. "Yes you are not but this time you have to act like one." he says. "Hai baba I'll see what i can do then but I'm not going to seduce the poor guy." "Nobody said anything about seduction just wena get to know him and how they operate thats it." "Fine." "That's my princess." I roll my eyes and drop the phone.

Have you ever had an annoying dad like mine? If he was a fly he would have been killed by Doom already cause he is that annoying. I close my eyes and go to sleep. It's going to be a long day tomorrow either way.

I wake up and do my morning routine and wear leggings with an oversized t-shirt and sleepers. I tie my hair in a low bun and put on lip gloss. I pack my toiletries and put them in my suitcase.

There is a knock on the door and i tell the person to come in. Kuhlekonke comes in and asks me if I'm ready to go and i say yes. He carries my suitcase and we head to the car. I greet Michelle and Jessica and go to our final destination. On our way there we stop to buy breakfast and we continue driving. 

"How was your first night here in Durban?" asks Kuhlekonke. "It was nice and at least we got to paint the city red." answers Michelle. "And some of us got to make more money." I say and we laugh.

"Why is Sthembiso arrested?" asks Jessica. "Illegal trafficking of drugs, diamonds and weapons and the murder of Thabiso Mbele." I answer. "Did he commit those crimes?" "Client, lawyer confidentiality." "But I'm  your assistant." "I know but i can't say and he hasn't admitted it yet."

"Did you take a look at the case?" asks Michelle. "Yah and the prosecutor is Nthabiseng Koei. She is not a scary fish but she can be if she comes with overwhelming evidence." "Don't worry you got this." "Thanks."

We continue eating until we get to the house. It's a really beautiful mansion. The driveway is spectacular and i can't wait to see the inside of the house. The driver parks the car and we all jump out to go see the house.

"This is really beautiful!" I say. "The best for the women." says Kuhlekonke. "You mean your woman cause some of us are taken. Right Jessica?" says Michelle. "Yes boo. It's time you'll guys do the deed because the chemistry is there." says Jessica. "Nope we just friends and business partners right Kuhle?" I ask. "Right." he answers.

He unlocks the door and we enter the house. The hallway is beautiful I love the dark hardwood flooring and the light furniture pieces that contrast against the darkness. This house is very modern yet it has the homey feel.

Kuhle gives us the tour of the house and its really really picturesque. I choose my bedroom which is next to Kuhle's room. We go back downstairs to fetch our suitcases and we start unpacking. While I'm unpacking Kuhle comes in my bedroom. What if i was naked or in an unsettling position. I should teach him to knock on the door.

"How can i help you?" I ask. "Can we talk?" he says. "Sure." I sit on the bed and he copies my movements. "Look I don't want what the PAs are saying get to your head. I want our relationship to be strictly professional and at the same time be friends cause i don't wanna make things akward between us." "Okay no problem. I also feel the same way. You a great person but too good for my liking." "Kanjani." "I like bad boys." "Oh really." "Yah."

"Okay I'm glad i got that out of my way thats all i wanted to say." he says. "Thanks for telling me upfront instead of giving me mixed signals or stringing along with them." I say. "Sure. Hug?" We both stand up and hug each other and he leaves.

I was low-key hurt that he had to end things but I'm glad he talked so I can get over this boy crush but still it hurts being rejected without asking the person out...

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