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"Frank, hey!", Dr. Urie says when Frank enters the room.

"Hi.", Frank says softly, sitting down on the couch.

He didn't know why Brendon called him to his office, his last session was yesterday.

"Are you ok?"

Frank shrugs, "I don't...I don't know what I'm going to do. Tomorrow."

His entire body shivers, and within seconds, he's crying his eyes out.

"I-I don't know where I'm going to go. I can't go back to my...my home...and Gerard...he's..."

Frank doesn't finish, he just continues to cry into the sleeve of his jacket. Brendon hurries over, sitting down next to him, and setting an arm around him. Brendon was good at comforting Frank, he's the only one whose been able to do it since Gerard left.

"Frank, sh. It's ok. Listen, this is actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

Frank tries to stifle his tears, but that just makes them come on stronger. He's embarrassed that Brendon has to see him like this, but he appreciates that he doesn't let go, instead, he holds on tighter.

Soon, his cries slow down and the only thing that fills the air are the soft hiccups coming from Frank.

Brendon opens his mouth, ready to start speaking again.

"Look, you're going to be eighteen soon, Frank. And you'll be able to go anywhere you want. You know, you can stay wherever you choose. So I just wanted to offer you something, you know, until you can get back on your feet, until maybe you can get a hold of Gerard again."

Brendon thinks that maybe Frank is getting what he's trying to hint at, but it's Frank, who is he kidding?

"Frank, what I'm trying to say is, do you want to come stay with me?"

Frank's eyes grow big. His expression is unreadable. Brendon doesn't know what to make of it.


"And think about it, you're going to need a lot of time to adjust to life outside of the hospital. It'll be hard, and I can be there to help you. I mean, I am a psychiatrist."

"I...I can't live with my psychiatrist."

"Well...you're not. You're living with your friend, who also just happens to have a degree in psychology."

Frank smiles. Maybe this will be good. After all, the two of them have grown so close, it really does feel like Brendon is his friend. The age difference is only a little but off anyways.

"So...you really want me to move in with you?"

He nods.

"But...I can't pay for anything. I won't have a job. I'm going to have to finish school."

"I know, Frank. I've thought about all of this before. I get paid more than enough for the both of us. It'll be fine."

"Don't you have a girlfriend, or a wife who won't want me being around?"

Brendon bites his lips, letting out an awkward laugh.

"Actually, I kinda have this crush on this guy who works at the bookstore I go to. I've been trying to convince him to go on a date with me. I think he secretly likes nice boys."

"So you're using me?"

"Well why else would I have you around at my house?"

Frank laughs.

"I'm just kidding, but I really want you to come. It'll be good for you."

Frank sighs, "Ok."

Heaven and Hell Start With the Same Letter (Frerard AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن