chapter 24

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After that.....encounter, naruto went back to his class and the professor started their lessons.

After every subjects, naruto then headed back to his dorm, and took a shower before putting his comfortable clothes on.

After that he then grabs his mac book while putting his anti-radiant glasses on, before he started working.

Soon after the guys entered the room, and went to do their stuffs. They ate dinner, brush teeth, bath and then go to sleep.

They were really tired so they didn't talk much and slept really fast, including naruto.

Foot steps echoed through the room, as a person dress in all black stops at a certain door.

Quietly they opened the door slowly, but the door made a noise they cursed under they're breathe and make sured that all of the people are still asleep.

After that they then, went closer to naruto. They took a handkerchiefer from they're pocket and was about to put it on naruto.


The sudden yell made almost everyone in the room woke up, as sasuke who was closer to the lights turn them on.

Seeing the random person in they're dorm, they all went to capture the person but they failed.

Neji's pov.

"Ugh f-ck! We didn't get them!" Cursed kiba under his breath.

"what could have happened if you didn't stop them!" Said kiba, as I looked down to the floor feeling gjilty.

If I could have just knock him out instead of screaming, the culprit would have been in could I be so stupid!

"Nevermind that we should rest now, and we will think about it tomorrow" said shino, as they all agreed and slept.

Few hours later, and I still can't sleep, thinking of the possibilities if I took actions.

Ugh...i'm so useless....

3rd persons pov.

The next day they all explained the whole situation last night, and it made naruto think what of it was one of his enemies? Or his parents enemies that was after him.

So he looked at the school cameras but couldn't find anything.

'Dang, if i helped with jiji's companies biggest problem, why did this person got away without any evidents?!'

Naruto thought to himself, but hit him.

"Someone must have been helping this person behind the scenes!"

Naruto said to himself, as he stayed up all week figuring who the heck helped the person.


"Boss, naruto figured out that someone is helping the assasin" a voice said as the man who sipped his red wine stops, and threw the glass to the wall, making all of the people present there shake with fear.

"That little f-cker...."

To be continued.

That's it for today guys hope you enjoyed it!!!

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