chapter 17

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Sauce: love run(????) Or was it, heat and run(?)

3rd person's pov.

Another time had passed, and now, it is may 19, 2020, they have graduated in March 24, 2020, so 2 months and 26 days, had passed, since the graduation.

And now, naruto, was just in his apartment, working, this was his new schedule, everyday, since the graduation, and he wasn't complaining either, he loves, work, and although sometimes, it's kind of getting irritating.

But, he just iept on working, making his irritation, as an inspiration, although, it's not, quite like that....i guess you could say....alcoholic...?


Naruto stopped his fingers, from typing, and checked his phone, it was jiji, he then recieved a call from him, so he answered.

"Moshi moshi?" Said, naruto at the phone, as he listened to the other call's line.

"Ah, naruto, i need to tell you something"

The other caller said, as naruto dropped his polite tone, and began to be serious.

"I'm all ears, jiji"

Meanwhile, with the boys.

"Sigh....i miss, naruto...." kiba said, as he played, in his pc. "I agree..." lee agreed, as he killed, the boss, in the game, cheering loudly.

"I wonder, how's his vacation..." wondered, neji, as he killed, kiba's character. "WAH! NEJI, YOU SON OF A B-TXH!" Kiba malded, as he cursed, on neji, who ignored all of it.

The other's laughed at this, making kiba, sulk even more.

"Oh, nice, nice!!!!" Lee, shouted, as he killed, the enemies, "sh-t..." kiba cursed, as he got killed, lee then went to a killing spree, making the other's groan.

"Gosh, lee, why are you so good at this??" Gaara said, as he got killed by lee, for god knows how many times.

"Hehe! Let's just say, you guys suck at this!" Grinned lee, as the other's can feel his smugness, making them, a bit mad.

"Oh really?" Shika asked, lee was confused at this, and was about to ask, shikamaru, but his character, died.

"WHAT?!!? WHEN DID YOU-?!" As lee, bashed out, the other's, who was in gaara's team, laughed.

Shikamaru, just smirked, and answered. "Well, while you guys were talking, i saw your character, and killed it, simple"

Lee, couldn't believe his ears, and whined, "that's not fair!!! I was afk!!!!" The other's laughed again, and they continued, their game.

Naruto's pov.

I sighed, as i putted my phone down, i thought about what jiji had said, and sighed, i look up to my white ceiling, and closed my eyes.

I guess i'll have to prepare for it...what a drag...

To be continue

Sorry guys, i kinda loss some motivations, but i promise, i'll try to make it interesting!!!!

Edit: oh slippery duck! I forgot to post this!!! 😃

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