When I got to Alyssa’s locker she wasn’t there but Amy was. I had left Amy’s house furious because she just used me yesterday. She wasn’t upset about anything she just wanted me away from Alyssa for some unknown reason. 

I got my phone out and called Alyssa’s cell. The phone just rang and she didn’t answer. I didn’t know where she was. I should have never left her alone yesterday.

“Hi Chad,” Amy said.

“Get lost Amy. I can’t believe you did that yesterday. What was that all about anyway,” I said. 

“Chad I just wanted to spend time with you,” Amy said touching my arm lightly. 

“Amy just get over me. I don’t want you. I need to find Alyssa,” I said.

I walked off and went into homeroom and saw all of my friends siting down. I took my seat just waiting to see if Alyssa was going to show up.

After homeroom I asked Bridget and Mackenzie if they had seen Alyssa. They both said no and I was starting to get a little worried. I went through most of the day wondering where Alyssa was. That was up until English class. 

When I walked into the classroom and went to my seat and saw Alyssa was siting in her seat. She looked to be ok she just was late to school was all. I had been worried for no reason.

“Baby I was so scared when you weren’t at your house this morning,” I said. 

Alyssa looked at me like I was crazy. 

I leaned in to kiss her and she pulled away. 

“Baby are you still mad that I went over to Amy’s house,” I said.

“You should take your seat before you get in trouble,” Alyssa said.

“Alyssa are you serious. Like I care about getting in trouble,” I said. 

I leaned in again to kiss her and she stood up. 

“Mr. Preston this boy is bothering me can I switch seats,” Alyssa said.

“Mr. Weston stop bothering my students and take a seat so class can begin,” Mr. Preston said. 

I took my seat and Alyssa sat back down. I turned around and she looked away from me. Something was up with her and I didn’t know what. 

“Baby what happened yesterday?” I asked.

“Could you please stop talking to me,” Alyssa said. 

“How can you not want to talk to me?” I shouted. 

Alyssa was acting different.

“Mr. Weston moved to this seat in the front of the room,” Mr. Preston said. 

I got up and moved to the front of the classroom. I was going to get to the bottom of this at the end of class. There was something wrong with Alyssa. 

The whole class period I kept sneaking looks at Alyssa and she would avoid my gaze. 

After class Alyssa was the first one out of the classroom. I got my stuff and went after her. She was walking down the hall to her locker and I caught up with her. 

I wrapped my arms around her from behind and put my lips to her ear and said, “I love you.”

Alyssa was still and pushed my hands off her and kept walking.

When she got to her locker I stood in her way so she had to look at me. 

“Alyssa what’s the problem have I done something to you?” I asked. 

“Chad this isn’t working,” Alyssa said. 

“What isn’t working?” I asked. 

“Us… this relationship,” Alyssa said. 

“Alyssa are you trying to break up with me?” I asked. 

“No Chad I don’t want to but-“ 

“Chad Weston,” the principal said coming down the hall. 

Alyssa and I both looked at the principal.

“Yes Principal Highland,” I said. 

“You need to come to the office with me,” the principal said. 

“Ok but why?” I asked. 

“We will talk about it in my office,” the principal said. 

I began walking to the principal’s office and saw Jake standing in the hallway staring at Alyssa. I also saw Amy staring at Jake, then Alyssa, then me. I didn’t know why I was being called to the principal’s office but for some reason I had a bad feeling about things. 

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