The Matrix

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(Soon it was night time and Mikaela, Sam, Simmons, and also got out of Bumblebee to get settled in for the night.)

Raven: "I never thought I would actually like this place when we first arrived."
Redwing: "Believe me everyone was just as surprised when you actually said you liked this."
Skids: "When will we be leaving, man?"
Mudflap: "Yeah I'm tired of sitting around."
River Raider: "Well that's just to bad."
Bumblebee: "Now sit down and shut up."

(Just as the twins sit down, they see Sam, Mikaela, Simmons and Leo walk towards Bumblebee as he turns into his alt mode and they get in. The other 5 follow suit as they start to follow him to there destination which they got no idea where that was.)


(Once they reach the Mountains, they transform and start to walk and look around.)

Simmons: "It's gotta be around here somewhere." he huffed.

(Sam stopped and looked up making the others do the same. A big open entrance was there and they ran towards it helping each other up, with Skids and Mudflap helping each other and the triplets climbing up them selves as Bumblebee finally follows suit. They looked around and saw nothing other than painting on the walls.)

Sam: "It's in here somewhere, guys."
Leo: "Yeah, why? Cause we're trusting grandpa blackbird who doesn't even know what planet he's on?"
River Raider: "Yeah well he was of more help to us than you right now."
Simmons: "And in his defense, this is the biggest doorway I've ever seen in my life."
Leo: "Oh okay. Well that's great. Let me do a quick search, alright?"

(Leo looks around.)

Leo: "Uh... nope. Ever cross your mind, guys, that archeologists have been here before? There's nothing here."

(Sam sat in front of the painting as Simmons and Leo started to argue.)

Simmons: "Real life is heartbreak, despair kid. Sometimes you get to the end of the rainbow and the leprechauns went and booby-trapped it!"
Leo: "I'm listening to you? You live with your mother!"
Sam: "It's not over."
Leo: "It is over. It's done."
Mudflap: "Why we still listening to your little punk-ass. What you ever done for us expect for ding-my-rims."
Skids: "Kill Megatron how 'bout that."
Mudflap: "Well he didn't get the job done you know, what I mean, cause he back now, you know what I mean?"
Skids: "You scared?!"

(Mudflap then pushes Skids away.)

Mudflap: "Scared of your ugly face!"
Skids: "I'm ugly?! We twins, you stupid genius."

(The twins then start fighting each other while the others get outta the way. Mudflap flips Skids over, making Skids land behind him. Mudflap then tackles Skids towards a wall and Skids throws Mudflap towards the painting where Sam was but luckily jumps outta the way as the wall cracks.)

Skids: "You like that!?"
Mudflap: "That ain't hurt!"
Skids: "You like that don't you-"

(All of a sudden Bumblebee grabs Skids and then grabs Mudflap.)

Skids: "Bumblebee!"
Mudflap: "Bumblebee!"

(Bumblebee then slams them into each other. The triplets then move out of the way as Bumblebee throws both Skids and Mudflap away from everyone else.)

Raven: "What children."

(She says as she looks over at the Twins who grown in pain.)

Redwing: "Thank you. They were getting on my last nerve."

Bumblebee: "Your welcome."

(He says using a radio channel.)

(Sam and Simmons look at the crack and take those cracks off the wall.)

Sam: "Oh my god... the symbols. Bee!"

(Bee brought his canon up and was about to shoot when River put his canon down.)

River Raider: "I'll do it. I've been itching to shoot something, lately."

(She says as she walks to the wall and shoots the hole making it even bigger as Sam, Mikaela, Simmons, and Leo turn away. Sam then turns on a flashlight as Mikaela goes over to River Raider.)

Mikaela: "Wow... I'm glad there are strong female Autobots like you."
River Raider: "You would be surprised to know how many people think we are worthless.

(Before she could say anything else, Sam calls out to her.)

Sam: "Mikaela!"
Mikaela: "Coming!"

(She says runs inside the tumb.)


(A few minutes later they come out with the Matrix and get inside Bee as they drive off once again this time with the Triplets leading in case any Decepticons try to kill Sam and friends.)

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