Well, I change sides to the Autobots

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(Bumblebee, the Twins, and the Triplets who where behind the twins as they where driving to cross a bridge to get to a deli.)


(They soon pull up to the deli and the triplets park in front of Bumblebee since there was no space to park behind the twins. Sam, Mikaela, and Leo get out.)

Leo: "This is it. Yeah deli, good front. Alright, wait here I'll give you the go no go alright?"

(He then goes inside and a minute later Sam and Mikaela go inside to.)


(A few minutes later Mikaela and Sam walk out of the Deli and open Bee's trunk. She takes out a Metal box from his trunk and Sam closes it walking back inside. A few more minutes later they get out of the building, get into Bee and drive to Washington.)


(They get out of Bee as they look at a Museum with Simmons having Binoculars on.)

Simmons: "Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Land of dreams in there. All I ever wanted to be was an astronaut."

(He stated and as he put his binoculars down he took his pants off and handed them to Sam.)

River Raider: "Hey Sam, you better tell this man to put some pants on before I run his ass over."
Sam: "Alright, alright take it easy. What is that?"
Simmons: "What? I wear those when I'm in a funk. So does Giambi, Jeter. It's a baseball thing. Okay, watch your synchronized, sharp mind, and empty bladder. You get caught demand an attorney and don't ever say my name."

(The Triplets just stopped listening because they weren't talking about anything interesting until they see Simmons push Leo towards the side of Skids.)

Simmons: "You compromise this mission, you are dead to me. Now, look into my eyes and tighten up that sphincter."
Raven: "Pussy."

(She says to Leo in her alt mode as Sam, Mikaela, Wheelie, Simmons, and Leo go inside the Museum.)


(Soon they see a very old Decepticon named Jetfire come out of the museum and all six soon start driving towards Jetfire chasing him. They then stop.)

Jetfire: "Right. I'm on a mission."
Simmons: "Wait, wait, wait, wait!"
Sam: "Jetfire."
Jetfire: "What do you want?"
Sam: "Look, we just want to talk!"
Jetfire: "I have no time to talk. I'm on a mission. I'm a mercenary doom bringer. What planet am I on?"
Sam: "Earth."
Jetfire: "Earth? Terrible name for a planet. Might as well call it "dirt." Planet "dirt." Tell me, is that robot civil still going on? Who's winning?"
Sam: "The Decepticons."

(The Decepticon spat somewhere beside him in the dirt.)

Jetfire: "Well, I change sides to the Autobots."
Sam: "What do you mean change sides?"
Jetfire: "It's a choice. It's an intensely personal decision. So much negativity. Who wants to live a life filled with hate."
Wheelie: "You mean you don't have to work for those miserable, freaking Decepticons?
Jetfire: "If the Decepticons had their way, they'd destroy the whole universe."
Wheelie: "I'm changing sides. I'm changing sides, too, warrior goddess."

(Wheelie said grabbing a hold of Mikaela's leg)

Wheelie: "Who's your little autobot?"
Mikaela: "You're cute."

(Wheelie then starts to Hump Mikaela's leg. They can't hear Mikaela and Sam argue but they do see Sam kick Wheelie off Mikaela's leg.)

Sam: "What were you saying?"
Jetfire: "I told you my name is Jetfire, so stop judging me!"

(He says as he slammed his cane down near them.)

Jetfire: "I have issues of my own, and it started my mother! My ancestors have been here for centuries. My father, he was a wheel, the first wheel. Do you know what he transformed into?"
Simmons: "No!"
Jetfire: "Nothing! But he did so with honor, dignity, damn it!"

(Then something that sounded like a fart made him stop speaking as a parachute came out his ass literally. He falls back as they run towards him.)

Jetfire: "Bollocks. My boosters are fried."
Sam: "I think we can help each other. You know things I don't know. I know things you don't know, I do."
Leo: "I don't think he knows anything. Honestly I don't."


(A half an hour later (Idk) Sam finishes drawing symbols in the dirt.)

Sam: "I could do this all day. It comes in waves, these vivid symbols. They're symbols, but they're in my mind. You see, all this is in my mind and Megatron wants what's in my mind. Him and someone named the Fallen."

(He says as Bee, the twins and the triplets move up.)

Jetfire: "The Fallen? I know him. He left me here to rust. The original decepticon. He's terrible to work for. It's always apocalypse, chaos, crisis. These transcriptions, they were part of my mission, the Fallen's search. I remember no, for the Dagger's Tip, and the key!"
Sam: "Wait, Slow down. The Dagger's Tip? The key? What are you talking about?"
Jetfire: "No time to explain. Hold on everybody!"

(He said as Energy began to form. He then stood over the humans.)

Jetfire: "Stay still or you'll die!"

(He said as they along with Bee, the Twins and the Triplets teleport outta there.)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you in the next one. And btw Imma tone down the cursing a little bit cause I think they curse way to much and that's not kid friendly.

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