Chapter 8

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Marinette was in her room, still frustrated with the whole ordeal at school. "Lila won," she sadly admitted as she laid down across her bed. She turns her head to see the photo collage of her friends and how they went against her and fell into another trap, Lila.

"It's so sad!" Ziggy, the Kwami, commented with other Kwami as they watched Marinette in sorrow.

"I told you we should've taken those photos down!"Barkk commented as he led Ziggy to start to take the photos down. Marinette's heart aches as they touch a picture, and she immediately stops them. 

"Stop, I'm not sad, and these photos don't bother me at all. They're just shots of fashion and friends, and I love fashion, and I love my friends, so it's all good," Marinette's voice cracked as she struggled with her emotions, "There's no problem, see?" She got the photo of her and her friends from the Kwamis and looked at it. She sighed in disappointment, "She won; maybe it's for the best.  I can't have loved ones as long as I'm Ladybug."

Tikki spoke, confused by Marinette's words, "What makes you say that, Marinette?"

"You know why. I'm no longer good as a girlfriend or friend, and I barely have a daughter. Being a guardian is what I need to do because I can't ask for Chat Noirs' help; Su Hun made it clear for no mistakes, "Marinette was at the breach of crying when she heard her phone ring from a Ladybug alert, "Marinette sucks right now, Ladybug is great, Ladybug can save Paris." 


Forget Me Not had the powers to target anyone with her ability and to believe in a new reality. She started by erasing the citizen's perceptions of Ladybug and Chat Noir to be the villains.

"Can I take a mew-ment to say that I will never see you a villain?" Chat Noir flirted with Ladybug.

"Do I need to remind you of dark Cupid?" Ladybug comments as she watches Forget Me Not try to find them.

Chat Noir chuckled slightly, "So you get to save me?'

"Don't you dare try something, chat! You know Lila is a powerful villain for Shadowmoth," Ladybug commented.

Chat Noir groaned with an upset tone, "Yeah, I know. Let's stop her. She caused enough harm today."

They go into battle... Chat makes a pun... Forget me. Not annoyed... They make a plan... Ladybug goes along with Chat Noir's puns... The author loves taking shortcuts... Lucky charm... Shadowmoth is angry... They save the day... they return everything to normal... Pound it

Ladybug looks at Lila, who just stomped away from her failed attempt to take down Ladybug and Chat Noir with Shadowmoth. "Do you know what happened with her?" She asked Chat noir, as she couldn't understand why she was akumatized.

"I think she can no longer keep up with the lies," Chat Noir commented as he looked at his staff to see the saved photo of Marinette.

"Doubt it," Ladybug mumbled, then her earrings started beeping, "Well, I better bug out."

"Patrol tonight?" Chat Noir asked, noticing her sad tone.

"Um, yeah." Ladybug nodded with a smirk and left off to go home before she de-transformed. Chat Noir sighed, knowing something was bothering her but not understanding why. He goes to return to his fencing school, where he hears about the alert of Lila akumatizing people and changing the truth. When he got out of the locker, his instructor canceled the lessons due to the Akuma. Adrien returned to his locker room locker to see Plagg eating his cheese.

"What happened? We got a short day?" Plagg asked in confusion as to why Adrien returned.

"Yeah, because of the Akuma, he felt it was too stressful to practice," Adrien explained as he got his bag to leave. He didn't call his driver to tell him he got out early. Adrien wanted to do was to be alone and think about what happened. Marinette was suspended because of Lile, then he exposed her, and the truth was out. He hadn't heard anything from his father regarding the situation, but he dreaded that the conversation would ignore it and still date her. Adrien nodded to himself as his efforts didn't feel like he made a difference. He was walking towards the end of the street corner when he heard familiar voices. He got to the corner and turned to the side to see all of Marinette's friends circled. It was Alya, Mylene, Rose, Juleka, and Alix all together, still discussing the events at school.

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