Chapter 7

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"You got the plan, Plagg?" Adrien asked as they were in the lockers.

"Oh, I'm ready for this chaos," Plagg snickers.

"Shhh," Adrien hushed Plagg as they headed into the classroom and left the locker area.

Nino shrugs at Adrien as he sits down at his desk. Nino took a breath and asked sadly, "so it's over?"

"I'm dating Lila now," Adrien dreaded to repeat.

"Well yeah, I guess. But I can't believe Marinette would post on Alya's blog," Nino commented.

Adrien quickly stopped him as it hurt him to lie to his best friend, "I don't want to talk about it."

Nino went silent as he nodded in response; Ms. Bustier entered the classroom to begin the class. It's been a few days since Marinette's suspension, and she was nowhere in sight for him to try to reach her. Instead, he now sees Ladybug more out in the city than before. He is perplexed by her ability to be patrolling and wonders about her personal life. However, from his recent interactions with her, Ladybug has been acting differently. The other day he recalled her need to continue patrolling and made her watch a movie with him as a break. During the romantic comedy, Ladybug made several comments against the film's plot. She eventually stomped out of the movie after her shocking words.

Chat Noir went out after her, "Listen, m'lady, I didn't get everything you said, and obviously, I know nothing about your private life, but I do know what heartbreak sounds and feels like, and-"

"Heartbreak? Me?" Ladybug laughs nervously, "That is not it at all; everything's fine. I feel like swimming; let's go to the pool!"

Chat Noir sighed, "You know, if you ever want to talk about anything, I'm here for you."

But Ladybug had rushed ahead to continue patrolling. Adrien glances back at Lila, who had taken on the role as now Alya's new best friend. He only hopes that he can expose Lila and stop this injustice towards Marinette. After class, Adrien went to his locker, and it took longer than expected for Lila to start searching for him. Finally, he pulled out his phone, and he was going to record their conversation.

"Hey Adrien, Nathalie is waiting," Lila said in her quiet voice as she surveyed the locker room to ensure they were alone.

"It's useless to play the martyr. We are alone," Adrien huffed as he finished pretending to get his things and turned to face Lila with his phone in hand.

Lila crosses her arms, "That's what scares me... So you aren't violent, right?"

"You know very well that I'm not violent," Adrien scoffed at her remark.

"Hmm," Lila hummed as she looked him over, "No, I don't know anything about you. You, Agreste's, are very secretive. Owww!" She slowly walked past him, but before he knew it, she had taken his phone to stop the recording. "What do you take me for? An idiot?"

Adrien was quiet as he glared at her for figuring it out before even he started to make her confess.

"If you only knew how many idiots like you have tried to catch me with one of these... I know how to take advantage of that now," she rewinds the recording for him to listen to how the recording sounded to him being threatening to Lila, "Pretty sure Marinette probably has a few recordings but again, not enough to reveal me. If I want to push this further, I could hurt myself and show this to your father."

"You wouldn't dare," Adrien threatened but was more shocked at how she had caught on to him.

"I actually would, but then it would reflect on me," Lila commented as she deleted the recording and handed him back his phone.

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