Chapter 3

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"Are you alright Adrien?" Natalie asked him as he entered the vehicle after completing school for the day.

Adrien sighed as he leaned on the window, "Marinette is mad about the interview. I really hurt her feelings."

Natalie looked at him from the mirror above her. She took a breath as she didn't want to see Adrien upset but his father is in charge. "Maybe you can buy her a gift?"

"No, then she'll think I'm buying off her forgiveness," Adrien respond, "I wish I didn't do that interview."

"Your father was quite proud of its Adrien," Natalie commented.

"He was?" Adrien asked in surprised tone.

Natalie nodded hoping he would feel better to make his father proud. However, Adrien expression was not content. Their conversation was interrupted as the screen turn on from a call from Gabriel, "Adrien."

"Hello father," Adrien responded.

"Please be aware that Lila will be your date at today's evening for Jagged Stone and you must be by her side for the event festivities," Gabriel ordered.

Adrien was left speechless for a moment as he forgot about the event. Marinette was going to be there.

Another chance to get to talk to her, "Uh, yes father." Adrien responded to his father.

"Remember that you represent the brand. Natalie makes sure he looks presentable after his day of school, "Gabriel ordered as the screen turned off.

"Yes sir," Nathalie nodded as they drove their way to the hotel.

Marinette was invited to the event with the rest of Kitty Section to Jagged Stone event. Luka and Marinette were paired off together as Rose and Jules was together and Ivan invited Mylene.

"You know Luka it's weird to be invited to this event instead of catering," Marinette teased as they walked together to the desert table.

Luka chuckled she greyed her parent to grab some treats, "We'll not everything is different. See they're here."

Marinette giggled in agreement as she looked back at him, "True. Bye mama and papa."

Luka started to lead her in the different directions of the room, "So what's going on?" Luka asked as Marinette had not been looking content.

"I don't want to talk about it," Marinette explains as she didn't want to make him worry.

"You know I saw the interview," Luka mentioned.

Marinette sighed as she knows that he wants her to feel better, "Yeah... His father made him say it."

"Seriously?" Luka asked as he never saw Adrien to lie like that.

"Yes, I understand that it was his father doing for the brand, but Adrien had a choice," Marinette expressed angrily.

But before Luka can comment Jagged stone interrupted in his loud persona, "Yo Marinette I was hoping Luka bring you to offer you another project."

"Wait really?!" Marinette expressed in surprise as hers and Luka conversation was interrupted.

"Of course! No one knows my style better than the best designer of Paris who just also happens to be my number one fan," Jagged Stone pauses himself as he looks at Luka, "Next to my son."

"Of course," Marinette chuckled as Luka gave an eye roll to his dad.

"So, are you in?" Jagged Stone asked.

"Of course!" Marinette quickly replied, "but..."

"Atta girl," he gave a thumbs-up before patting Luka's shoulder, "See didn't I tell you Marinette is the best now if you excuse me, I hear the buffet calling my name."

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