As we pulled up to the party we all got out Cam Cameron's car, once we got in the house, let's just say it was very very crowded "Belly, star you came" Nicole came up to us sounding happy and gave us both a hug "hey Nicole you look so pretty" belly said "yeah you look stunning" I smiled at her "oh, me? Look at you. Oh, my goodness, are those real flowers?" She asked

"Yes" belly smiled "incredible, well we have to show Gigi" she said grabbing both mine and belly's hands and taking us with her "yeah yeah totally" belly said back "yous guys wanna come" belly asked to which Taylor and Cam Cameron both said no to. I quickly looked over at Amelia and Drea to see if they wanted to come with to which they just both shook their heads no.

"Guyssss, look who's here" Nicole said in a sing-song voice "happy birthday" they all said to bells "thank you, thank you guys" belly smiled to them all "um is this for me?" Belly asked laughing "who else would it be for, belly?" Nicole smiled over at bells "oh my.. thank you guys" she spoke "these cakes are amazing Nicole" belly continued.

"I never miss a chance to have a Sofia Coppola moment" Nicole said "okay well belly make a wish" she continued while the girls laughed a bit at her comment before, belly then blew out the candles before Gigi asked me "Oh, star, where's Jeremiah?" Gigi asked, for a second I thought about sending her in the complete opposite direction he was but I then decided that I could trust Jeremiah, I mean when has he ever done anything for me not to trust him.

"Um, I think he's over by the drinks table." I smiled at her "who's thirsty?" Gigi asked "you clearly" one of the girls said making us all laugh.

I then decided to look over to where Jeremiah was and saw Amelia and him talking and laughing, hmm weird I don't think I've ever seen them two talking once in my life unless Amelia was trying to talk to Jere about me which I could tell she wasn't doing right now.

"Wait yous two live with him yous should know what he's up to" one of the girls said "uhhh, Connie usually uhm, keeps to himself- well this summer he has been, ehm I'm sorry but I'm gonna go look for my friends but uhm have fun and Nicole thanks for inviting me" I smile at all the girls before running off looking for everyone.

That's weird the couch was now completely empty, oh well I guess I'll just go look for everyone.

After searching the whole of the downstairs I couldn't find anyone except Cam Cameron who was in the kitchen drinking water from one of those red plastic cups. I decided to go look upstairs, so I checked every room upstairs and one room was locked which was hella weird considering, no one ever locks doors no matter what people are doing in the room.

I finally walked into the last room, I walked into see two people kiss then turn around and let me tell you when I saw who the two people where I mouth practically became non existent with how low it dropped and my eyes nearly came out my head with how wide they got.

"OH MY GOD" I yelled looking at Drea and Ben "when-where-how-why- ewwwww drea why him" I said completely confused "WAIT" I yelled "DOES THIS MEAN SHE'S GONNA BE MY SISTER OH MY GOD THIS IS SO EXCITING, WHEN'S THE WEDDING" I began yelling at the two making Ben groan and drea laugh "uhm why don't me and you go downstairs starlight" drea smiled at me.

"Ok yea let's go" I said walking out the room and beginning to make my way downstairs.

After about 20 minutes of drinking in the kitchen me and drea decided to go outside and see if anyone was out there and surely enough Jeremiah, Amelia, Connie, Ben and Cam Cameron where out here. "Hey" I said smiling and walking up to stand beside Jere he just looked at me for a couple of second before giving me a forced smile "hey" "uh, where have you guys been, I've been looking for yous?" I asked Amelia and Jere "oh just you know, hanging around" he said to which I just nodded at, although I did see Connie give Jere a weird look but I just brushed it aside.

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