Chapter 21 Like Mother, Like Son

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"Who is it?" Yamatomo said

"It's me. Friedrich. Friedrich Der Große." The voice of FDG is heard

"Ahh, uhm, what is the reason for you to be here?" (Yamatomo)

"Belfast is busy so she told me to send your coffee to you." (FDG)

"Ahh, I see. Well you can come in."

As FDG opened the door woth a tray in hand entered the room

As Yamatomo glanced at her, the Germans weren't lying that she's about the same height as him

What truly picks his interest towards her is the sheer and absolute presence of FDG

And also the Germans weren't even lying that her appearance and presence alone is considered maybe the same level as a General or your top superior

For Yamatomo, he reminds her that one superior he had immense Respect towards to

"Uh, you may put the tray on that table thank you." Yamatomo said to FDG

As FDG puts the tray on the table he pointed she then sat down on a chair that is next to the table

What Yamatomo noticed that the tray has two, I mean a Mug (that is his), and a tea cup (that is FDG's)

As he finished at least two papers he stand sup and goes to the table and sat dow next to FDG

Somehow Yamatomo isn't the type of person who starts conversation

Rather, to Hise, she tells him that he has "Poor Social Skills" or what is commonly known as in Japan is a "hikikomori" translates to modern-day hermits (AN:Google it and you'll see why when the chapter called "Guys Conversation before" says that Yamatomo didn't left his office except he is going for food)

Well the reason why because when Yamatomo was still 22 to 25, he had the severe case in the military called

"Paperwork Syndrome" - A "Syndrome" where high ranking military members such as Soldiers/Pilots/Sailros

Or Officers are given massive and large amounts of stacks of paperwork

In the Japanese Navy, about 69%, and I mean it, because last year was 40%. 69% of the officers and the high ranking ones in the navy couldn't even finish their paperwork

Yamatomo's case is special because he endured it and was fully devoted to it.

"You can give up if your opponent is strong, but giving up against a piece of fucking paper? Now thats shameful display." - Quote from Yamatomo when he was relieved from "Paperwork Syndrome"

"Say, to lighten up the mood, could I ask a few questions?" FDG says to him

Though Yamatomo doesn't like starting conversation, he loves to talk to others or have a decent conversation woth them if they started talking to him

"Sure, ask away." He said as he took a sip of his coffee

"After the "vacation" incident where you and your friends go to that "cave" you found during the fox mating season. You were given a punishment, not only your superiors but her Majesty (Kuki), and your big sister punished you."

"Your sister on the other hand. Have "interesting" methods on punishing you. But for others they see it as torture. So I may ask, is there any more methods that is up on her sleeves?" She asked

As Yamatomo thinks

"She can punish me by cleaning big ships or big Aircraft carriers like before." (Chapter 1)

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