A Growing World

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The Council truly did offer the title Emissary for all of Sophie's friends, and no one declined their offer. Of course they wouldn't be on as many assignments like Team Valiant, but that would change as soon as they graduated from Foxfire.


After Fitz's and Keefe's Graduation

"THAT WAS AMAZING!!!" Sophie yelled as she ran into Fitz's arms backstage. She got up to his ear and whispered, "Just so you know, your performance was my favorite."

Fitz set her down on her feet, grinning like crazy and kissed her, right in front of all the graduates, and their families and friends. Who pretended not to notice.

Right when they separated, Alden, Della, and Biana came backstage, and Alden said, "We're not interrupting, right?"

The couple laughed and said, "Nope." Holding each other's hands.

"I'm so proud of you," Della said and pulled Fitz into a hug with Alden. When they pulled apart she said, "And to celebrate, all your Friends are invited to dinner at Everglen!. Along with Grady, Edaline, Kesler, and Juline!"

"Soo these 2 lovebirds get to spend more time together?" Baina asked with a teasing smirk.

"Well if you want, we could always ditch you." Fitz said, "But then you would corner us and make us spill the tea anyway."

"You're right, so we're only talking and eating at the dinner table," Biana reasoned.

Sophie nodded, "I got my um...'Fitz time?' already taken care of. After all, we have the entire summer now."

After some more mingling backstage, everyone leapt to Everglen to find the shimmering mansion filled with amazing smells of food. They all talked a bit about the future, some careers, and other stuff, and eventually went home. After an exhausting day, Sophie plopped down on her bed and drifted off to a dreamless peaceful sleep.


A week after the start of summer break Sophie woke up at 9 in the morning. It was one of those days where sleeping in didn't sound so fun. So she made her bed, brushed her teeth and changed into a white and blue tunic and leggings before going up to Vertina for hair advice.

"Yikes! I feel bad for your hair. You seriously need to take some hair elixirs," Vertina exclaimed.

Sophie sighed, "I would if I knew which ones to take! Biana gave me like 30!"

Vertina glanced at her table of elixirs, and makeup that Sophie had been putting to waste. "Take the purple one," she eventually said, "It'll get rid of all the frizz."

"Thankyou," Sophie said before chugging the light purple elixir. Almost instantly her hair lost all the frizzles, and gained soft beach waves. And it reflected the sunlight, shining almost as if it were sprinkled with glitter. "Wow," Sophie said, shocked at the outcomes, "I should probably start using some of these. I had no idea they could do that!"

"Exactly, you're so oblivious to Elvin advancements."

"No need to rub it in! But thanks, I'll have to hold you up on giving me hair advice. No makeup though." Sophie stepped out of range and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning," Sophie said to Edaline. She was eating mallowmelt and custard bursts while reading a scroll about the sanctuary.

"Morning," Edaline replied. "Anything fun planned for today?"

"Not really, just the usual. I enjoy helping you out at the pastures."

Edaline nodded, "Grady's on an assignment for the council, so if you want, you can visit the Vackers or Dex today."

Sophie nodded and sat down to eat breakfast. Afterward, she was cuddling with Wynn and Luna when a loud transmission came through.

SOPHIE! HELP, A crisp accent broadcasted into her mind.

FITZ?! What's wrong?! Hold on, I'm coming. Sophie jumped out of Wynn and Luna and yelled, "Edaline, I'm going to Everglen!"

Then she raced down Calla's hill, pouring all her energy into her legs, and as she hit the very bottom of the hill, the void opened. Channeling all her concentration to Fitz and Everglen, the next second she appeared there.

"FITZ!" Sophie yelled, looking around Everglen's massive garden. Her eyes finally found him and she ran into his grasp. Clutching onto him with her arms over her shoulders, never wanting to let go if he really was in danger.

"Soph, I'm ok," Fitz said.

Sophie let go of the breath she didn't realize she was holding. "What happened? Why did you call if you're ok? I mean I don't mind, but why say you needed help. I thought the Neverseen had escaped!" Sophie stayed in his arms for a bit longer before setting herself down and taking 30 seconds to inspect for injuries.

"Uh well...I'm ok, but I do need your help." Fitz looked over his shoulder and a girl walked into Sophie's range. She looked about 3 years old, curly light brown hair, and midnight blue eyes, all complimenting her peach complexion. "Sophie, this is Aster, my uncle dropped her off here in the morning. And my parents along with Biana were called for an assignment for the Council. And I have no idea how to take care of a 3 year old. So I thought we could take care of her together," Fitz explained with a sheepish smile.

Sophie sighed, "Ok, but I do need to tell Edaline, I left in a rush so she's probably worried right now." she said while taking out her home crystal. In 3 minutes she reappeared back at Everglen. "Ok, so what are we gonna do?"

"Well we could go to Frostale. What do you think, Aster? You wanna go to Frostale?" Fitz said, looking at the 3 year old. (And just to be clear, I made up this place).

"YES!" Aster replied, jumping up and down.

"What's Frostale?" Sophie asked.

"It's a city covered in Snow and ice, the fosters, along with psionipaths made it a park for kids a while back."

"Wait so there has been an entire winter wonderland, and I knew NOTHING about it?" Sophie asked, grabbing Fitz and Aster's hands and dragging them to the Leapmaster. "You're showing me EVERYTHING Mr. Vacker!"

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