The Date

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“Soo,” Edaline said as soon as Sophie appeared at Havenfield. “Who’s your number 1?”

“Fitz!” Sophie replied.

“Oh honey I’m so happy for you.” Edaline pulled Sophie in for a hug.

“What did I miss?” Grady asked as he stepped in.

“Fitz is Sophie’s number 1 on her Matchmaking list!” Edaline explained. 

“I’m so happy for you kiddo, and really glad it's not that boy,” Grady said the last part mostly to himself.

“Keefe didn’t register,” Sophie informed him.

“Really?” Grady and Edaline asked.

“Yeah, he didn’t feel it was right after everything that happened to him.”

“Well then I guess I shouldn’t worry about stealing you away anymore,” Grady said, and earned a pinch from Edaline. “OW! What?”

“What your overprotective father, who will always struggle with growing up, is trying to say is that Keefe not registering was unexpected,” Edaline said.

Sophie nodded and said, “I’m going to change. Dinner is ready right?”

“Yep, I had Flori help make Starkflower stew,” Edaline said.

“Great,” Sophie said, practically already tasting Calla’s amazing stew. She went up to her room and changed. And after dinner, she planned out what she was going to wear tomorrow. She wanted something comfortable, but also a bit fancy. She decided on a teal tunic with an extravagant design on the belt, black leggings that were beaded with teal diamonds near the bottom. And just for Fitz, she decided to listen to Vetina’s makeup and hair advice in the morning.

When Edaline called for Sophie the next morning she had showered, changed and put on light makeup. Her teal dress and leggings were especially pretty with her blonde braided hair, and gold eyeshadow. 

Sophie came down to find Fitz in all his attractiveness. His eyes sparkled with his black clothes outlined with gold and white designs. He was also holding a small box in his hand. Sophie was distracted for a second too long and tripped on the last stair.

“Hey,” Fitz said, catching her

“Hi,” Sophie replied, blushing hard. “So where are we going?”

“Atlantis.” Fitz answered. “It's so big that we can walk while we eat.”

“That sounds perfect.”

They leaped to Atlantis and chose a Cafe to have lunch at. After their meal they chose to have dessert as they walked.

"So um, I'm assuming the box you had was for me," Sophie said with hesitation.

"Yep, I was simply waiting for the right time to give it to you," Fitz replied.

"It doesn't matter. With you, Fitz, I always have the best time." Sophie slipped her hand into Fitz's.

Fitz stopped their walk and Sophie turned to look at him. He took out the box and opened it. It was a teal charm bracelet, with Fitz's name engraved on one heart shaped charm. And next to it was a charm with her name engraved on it. Fitz pulled in his sleeve to reveal the same charm bracelet in golden colors hanging on his wrist. 

"I thought cloth wasn't enough to show you how much I really love you." Fitz said, then leaned closer and whispered, "But if you want, I'll get those cuffs in a heartbeat." Fitz clasped the charm bracelet to Sophie's wrist.

"I love it, Fitz." Sophie said, then whispered, "but I love you more."

“Does this mean you’re my girlfriend?” Fitz whispered.


Fitz smiled and leaned in to kiss Sophie. She didn’t resist and they enjoyed their first loving, sweet kiss. (Just to make it clear, I’m not counting Dex’s kiss cuz there was no spark and that means there was no romantic love, therefore, not a first loves kiss.)

They broke apart and continued walking.

"So have you heard about the matches of the rest of our friends?" Sophie asked.

"Not really, except that Tam has Biana as his number 1."

"Amazing, and I'm pretty sure they already liked each other."

"Definitely, my sister adores silver bangs. What about the others?"

"Well I think Linh and Wylie got each other as number 1. And Marella got Dex."

They talked until it got late and they had to go home. Fitz took Sophie home then went back himself.

The Sophitz StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora