Gender Reveal

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"So who's ready to find out if the little Vacker is a boy or girl?" Elwin asked as Sophie laid down and Fitz sat next to her.

"I am!" the Couple said. 

"Who's betting how much?" Elwin asked out of curiosity.

"I'm betting 35 lusters that is a boy," Sophie said. "I'm upping the stakes a bit."

"45 lusters say that it's a girl," Fitz said.

Elwin smiled and made a purple orb appear in front of him, changing the color from purple to blue as he examined Sophie's stomach. After 5 minutes, Elwin looked up and made the orb vanish.

"Ok then. I'm sorry to say this Sophie, but Fitz won," Elwin said, causing Sophie's eyes to widen, "You owe him 35 lusters because you'll be having a perfectly healthy baby girl!"

"WooHoo!!!" Fitz shouted.

"Awe," Sophie pouted, "Fine. I'll give it to you when we get hoome."

"Dear, no need to be a sore loser about it," Fitz said smiling. 

Sophie blushed, "How come I can never stay mad at you?"

"Because you love me," Fitz answered.

Sophie was about to say something but Elwin interrupted, "Ok that's enough flirting for one afternoon."

Sophie giggled. But just then the Office's doors burst open and Tam ran in with Biana collapsed in his arms yelling, "She needs help!" 

Sophie got off the bed so Tam could lay Biana down. Her eyes were rolled up in her head but there was no sign of any injury. Elwin made several orbs appear and looked at her as he asked Tam, "What happened?" 

"I came home from the Council to find her collapsed on the floor. She was breathing but wouldn't wake up," Tam answered. 

"Have you noticed anything about her that changed before today?" Elwin asked, still looking at Biana with orbs of light. 

"She kept having dizzy spells this week. But she kept saying she was tired from working at the Salon," Tam answered. 

Elwin nodded and went over to his shelf and retrieved an orange elixir then poured it into Biana's mouth. 

Elwin said, "She'll wake up in a minute."

"Do you know what's wrong?" Sophie asked concerned, "Maybe I should check her thoughts to make sure she's okay."

"I'm going too," Fitz said. 

"That won't be necessary," Elwin stopped the telepaths before their hands reached Biana's temples, "Her mind is blank right now."

"Then what's wrong?!" Fitz snapped. Sophie held his hand and ran circles with her thumb to calm him down.

Then a different voice broke though. 

"N-Nothing's wrong," Biana said, slowly opening her eyes and adjusting to the light. Tam softly hugged her, "I was simply tired- from work...That's all."

Elwin sighed as Biana sat up. He got 3 more elixirs and one bottle of youth and handed them to Biana that gulped them down. "They should help with the blaring dizzy spell you're having," Elwin said.

Biana's eyes widened, "You could see that?"

"I'm a physician. I've dealt with the legendary Sophie Foster and near to death experiences. Along with someone that had their abilities merge," Elwin said with a sigh. 

"Right," Biana said, realizing that she couldn't use her acting skills now, "So um...You know better than me...What's wrong?"

"I just need more details to confirm. You've been having dizzy spells, along with mood swings and strange cravings right?" Elwin asked.

Biana looked taken aback. Tam looked at his wife's reaction, "You have?"

Biana nodded, "I suppressed them with my willpower because I didn't think they were a big deal. And I didn't want you to worry," Biana said apologetically looking at Tam.

Tam shook his head, "I only worry because I care. And I don't want you pushing your limits too much."

"Oooh don't worry," Elwin said with a sly smile, "I don't think you'll let her out of the house when you find out what's been happening to her body."

"I'm not sure if I should be concerned about you smiling about my wife's situation. I found her collapsed on the floor of the dining room!" Tam said. Biana winced.

Elwin didn't flinch, "You'll be smiling too when I tell you that you're going to be a father."

Tam's and Biana's eyes widened and Fitz and Sophie snapped into focus. Had he just said...

"You're not joking?" Biana whispered, bringing her hands to her stomach. 

"Heh nope! Mood swings, cravings, and dizziness are all part of pregnancy," Elwin said.

Tam stood there for a second, then abruptly hugged Biana, almost squeezing the life out of her. 

Then Sophie held Biana's hands, jumping up and down as she said, "I'm going to be an Aunt! Oh and Fitz will be an uncle!"

"Hey hey don't kill the mom!" Elwin said, "I still have more news to share with you."

Tam stepped back, smiling, "Shoot."

"Ok so it looks like they're a week younger than Sophie and Fitz's child," Elwin announced.

Sophie and Tam noticed a word, "They're?" They asked, "As in 'they are'- multiple?"

Elwin smiled, "Yup! Twins! That explains why you had more intense pregnancy symptoms than Sophie...And it looks like they already have a sex."

Biana and Sophie opened their mouths, smiling in shock. 

"What Is It what is it?!?!" The girls squealed

"Geez my eardrums," Elwin smirked, "A girl and a boy."

"EEEHHHH!!!" Baina squealed. 

"Good to see you got your energy back," Fitz said as he walked up and hugged his sister.

"Wait...were you here for a check up?" Biana asked Sophie.

"Yeah, we found out that I owe Fitz 35 lusters," Sophie said.


Fitz smiled, "We're having a daughter!"

"Alright future parents," Elwin interrupted, "How about you all go home and brainstorm some names? I need to write reports to the Council about how 4 of their most trusted Emissaries are going to have children."

The couples smiled and went home.

Hi everyone. I need some help coming up with baby names for the Song twins. I already have a name for the Sophitz kid, along with possible abilities. But I need some inspiration for the twins. So comment down any names you like or would want them to have.

-Amelia Starlight

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