naming the kids

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It has been 3 months. Naruto is healthy enough to go do whatever to them. He went to the prison cell and went inside. He first wanted to talk to them. "Why did you do all this." He asked them. "Because i wanted to be hokage i wanted to be better than your family. Orochimaru said. Naruto just glared at him.

"Why didnt you hurt me when i was little." Naruto wasnt hurt like akiko or his babies was so why. "Because you was a weakling. A little girl." Orochimaru laughed in naruto face as he said that. Naruto just punched him. Naruto was boiling with anger he sent punches and kicks to orochimaru. Sasuke had to pull him off.

"Tell me why did you abuse and kill my daughter." Naruto just needed to hear his answer to determine what he was going to do to him. "She reminded me of you. Everytime i mentally abused you whenyou was younger you always smiled. And your daughter gave me that same smile. So i killed her."

Naruto hater that answer. He killed his daughter because she smiled like naruto. His daughter had life in her eyes but orochimaru and kabuto took all that away. A man too her innocence. Orochimaru took her smile what more could they take. Naruto left the cell if he stayed he would have killed them.

"I dont care what you do to them. Just make them pay." Naruto walked out. He needed to see his kids which he still has to name. He wants to name them when akihiko and akihiro sees them. Gaara is on the way with the boys. He talked to them and they agreed to come back to live with naruto.

Naruto went home. He was welcomed by menma hugging him and the babies crying. Kurama and itachi was running around trying to change their diaper. Naruto laughed he picked up menma and watched them. It was going to be crazy in his house with 4 babies 1 toddler and 2 kids. But he will do it.

Sasuke gaara and thr others arrived at dinner. Kurama and itachi stayed for dinner. Itachi found a boyfriend named deidera. Kurama is still single. So he invited him over for dinner. Naruto cooked curry over rice. Onigri and miso soup. That all sat at the table.

"First akihiko and akihiro im glad to have you back. And i talked to akiko when i died. She said its not your fault." Naruto said. Everybody stopped eating and looked at him. It wasnt the best to talk about akiko around them. They cried and nodded.

"Also i will be naming the babies. So by order they was born. Ren, emiko, akemi and ena." Akihiko dropped his chop sticks and looked at naruto. Tears why falling from his eyes. Naruto opened his arms and he ran to him and hugged him. Naruto rubbed his back and hugged him back.

"Those names was the names akiko said she named her stuffed animals. She loved those names." Akihiro said. He joined the hug with naruto. Sasuke was mad that he didnt have a saying on what he named his kids but if it helped them all get better he wouldnt mind.

Naruto broke the hug and kissed both of them. They went back to their seat to finish their dinner. The babies started crying so naruto went to them. He was able to breast feed but that would take to long so he made them all a bottle and feed them. Then burped them. He went back to the table.

"Okay so everybody this is my boyfriend deidera." Itachi said as he held deideras hand. "Welcome to the family." Naruto said. Deidera blushed from embrassment. He wasnt used to all this fancyness or highclassed people. He was barely in the lower class.

They ate dinner and talked about different things. Gaara shared things he did witht he kids. Naruto took notes on what they liked and disliked. It was getting late and they all drank a lot so they spent the night at narutos.

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