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Naruto arrived home to see the families cars. He saw fugakus car. Minatos car. Kuramas car. He didnt need the stress on him or the kids. Naruto took a deep breath and they went inside. First was naruto then the kids. Naruto put all the bags down. While the kids carried the food.

"Let me show you to your rooms." Naruto said leading the boys away.from all the stares. He brought them into the room next to menma. It was going to be used for a nursery but they could use it. It has a bunked bed and lots of stuffed animals. "Thank you sir. Can we eat." Akihiko said.

"Call me mom or either naruto no sir. And yes ill bring your food up here. Ill bring menma in soon." Naruto said. He wasnt going to let him 2 year old son be in the middle of this. Naruto kissed their forehead and went the menmas room. He didnt find menma. He was scared where was menma. No who has him. He went downstairs to them and saw menma in minatos arms.

He angrily went to his father and took menma away. "Stay away from my children." Naruto said. He went to the food on the table and took out one of the ramen. He shifted menma on his side and walked to the boys room.

"Eat all the ramen you want. And this is menma your younger brother." Naruto said. Menma looked at the kids and leaned towards them. Akihiko carried him. Menma looked into his eyes. "No more sad." Menma said as he kissed akihiko. Akihiko started crying all over again.

He hugger menma and cried. Naruto cried too. They was all going to need a lot of healing. Their daughter and sister was killed. After a while naruto carried menma again. "I will take him with me he can be a little hyper." The boys nodded and naruto walked away.

He went downstairs and was met with a slap in his face. The slap barely missed menmas face. Naruto sat menma down and looked at who slapped him. It was non other then minato. He glared at him. "What was the slap for." He yelled.

"Boy you have been a lousy husband. Mother and son." Minato said slapping him again. "Leave!" Naruto yelled he didnt need this. "No naruto they are staying until you explain why your acting this way. And are you cheating on me. I found out that your ex was here." Sasuke screamed at naruto.

Naruto looked around and didnt see gaara or his family. "Where did they go?" He asked. "I kicked them out. I dont want your ex here. Why are you even talking to him. Are you fucking." Sasuke got more into narutos face and yelled.

"So what if i am fucking him. Have you ever thought i needee to cheat because you dont satisfy me." Naruto yelled. He knew he didnt cheat but if sasuke wanted to think of him that way then he would be that way. Minato slapped naruto yet again. This time naruto's eye started bleeding. Naruto started crying.

Naruto carried menma and walked away. He was not going to talk to them anymore. He went to the boys eating the ramen happily. He smiled and kissed both of their foreheads. "Boys do you want to stay here or leave." Naruto asked. He would stay in a hotel if needed.

"We can go wherever you want m-mommy." Akihiko shyly said. Narutos heart broke when he called him mom. Naruto put menma down and let him play with the toys in that room. He walked to the family in the Livingroom. "I am leaving with menma. Dont ever talk to me again." Naruto glared at everybody in the room.

Sasuke grabbed narutos arm and slammed him on the wall. He never touched naruto in an agressive way but naruto pulled his strings too much. "Naruto are you sleeping around with your ex. Are you cheating on me." Sasuke asked again. Naruto stared in his eye. "Why does it matter? You dont care about me."

Sasuke pushed naruto on the floor. Naruto was in pain. When he was pushed on the floor. He wasnt going to let his family abuse him like that. He grabbed his phone and called gaara. "Gaara where are you." Naruto asked he was on the floor crying.

"We are at the konohas hotel. Your asshole husband kicked us out." Gaara said. He was annoyed of everhthing that was happening. Naruto got up and went to the kitchen. He packed menmas bottles and food in a bag. The family watched him.

"I am leaving with MY son." Naruto said. He gave them a card then went to the room where the kids was. He packed their clothes and stuff they needed in his car. Then he and the kids left. Sasuke and the others watched as naruto and 2 kids left. They wondered who the kids was and when did they come.

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