Chapter 9: Sickness Takes Hold

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My breathing was heavy as I struggled, leaning against a wall, huddled over my knees, my shoulder burned more than I could ignore now, everything was getting blurry by the second and a wave of dizzy nausea was swarming my body.

My small form was shaking violently as I curled in on myself, I heard muffled shuffling nearby, causing me too look up, seeing a faint, pink form unwinding towards me, green eyes staring down at me with a wide, shocked and unsure gaze, then everything went dark, the last thing I heard was the clattering of something hitting the ground as I collapsed completely.

(Have some Mommy Long Legs, I didn't want to do a POV in case I messed it up)

Mommy Long Legs stared down at the small woman, her eyes wide and wary, looking to the bandaged shoulder, blood seeping through the cloth used to bind the injury, before she looked back down to the item that had fallen out of the woman's bag, having clattered to the ground.

Mommy picked it up, staring down at the photo of the short woman, cuddled beside a taller woman, with vibrant green eyes, they were smiling at the camera, they seemed happy,she took it out of the frame to look at the back of the photo, Feather and Marie Payne, the date seemed to be blurred out, dried out blotted tear drops scattered along the back.

Mommy stared for a moment, confused at the familiarity that it brought her, looking back down to the passed out woman below her, something told her that the girl's name was Feather, she wasn't sure why, she had been familiar to her from the minute Mommy had lowered down to get a better look, though she couldn't place it, Mommy put the item back in Feather's bag.

She sighed slightly, shaking her head; the lanky limbed toy maneuvered her stretchy arms around Feather gently, cradling her in one arm as careful as she could, as to not agitate the injury further, before using her remaining free limbs to climb up to her den.

Mommy placed Feather down onto a bed made of as much soft material as Mommy could find, before wandering to an area in the station, searching for a first aid kit, she checked it, making sure it had what she needed before she hurried back to the unconscious woman.

Mommy carefully pulled back the old, bloodied cloth from Feather's shoulder, taking some alcohol wipes to clean up the blood and any dirt in the wound, Feather seemed to jolt at the touch of the wipe, causing Mommy to still for a moment, before continuing.

She then took some antiseptic cream, applying it to the wound, then pressing down some new. fresh, clean bandage, wrapping it tightly enough to make sure it would  be okay, then moving the first aid kit aside.

She then moved back, watching and waiting for Feather to wake up. 

A Couple Of Days Later

I let out a small groan as I stirred, my mind coming back to consciousness, I felt heavy, like my limbs were lead pipes, I blinked my stormy grey-blue eyes, seeing an unfamiliar area, in a strange cot like thing, covered in blanket-like rags.

"What happened?" I murmured, looking around, before catching sight of the horrifying figure of Mommy Long Legs, I stared up at her with wide, fearful eyes.

"You got pretty sick, you let your shoulder get pretty bad, but Mommy fixed you up." Her voice started off as her stern and disapproving tone, before changing to her usual chirpy and playful nature, I stared at her confused, blinked with a tense gaze.

"Why did you help me, when you've been trying to kill me?" I asked her, looking up at her blank green eyes, she didn't seem to have an answer at first, looking down at the ground, before she changed her expression, smirking down at me as she placed her hand under my chin to keep me looking at her as she lowered her face closer to mine.

"Well, our last game wouldn't be very fun if you're already dead, now would it Darling." She purred, I felt a brief flush of heat hit my face, but for some reason, her hesitation before this made me question if what she said was true, before she grabbed me by the grab pack, lowering me down, back into the Game Station.

"Now that you're all better, you can play the game fairly and it will be much more fun!"Mommy called out in delight.

"Now, best get going Darling, wouldn't want to be late for our last game." She chuckled, before disappearing once more, I blinked up a bit confused, before I sighed, moving to head to start the next game.

It would all be worth it in the end, for her...

But, I have to wonder, why did Mommy help me?

(Sorry for the the wait everyone, I've been struggling with motivation, work and near constant migraines, I'm also struggling with potentially having Arthritis too, I'm in the middle  of trying to get so many things done so I can change doctors, I know this chapter is  a little short, but I hope you enjoy it.)

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