Chapter 6: Musical Memory

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After the machine alerted me that there was no paint, I walked away from the podium, looking around to see if I could find any paint.

Behind the  machines, was a flight of stairs, so I climbed up them, looking all around the floor, reaching a walk way at the top of the stairs, I kept one hand on the railing as I walked along the walk way.

Reaching a conveyer belt, spotting a can of green paint, I climbed over the railing and onto the belt, heading for the can, grabbing it, then walking back onto the walk way, heading for the back of the paint machine.

I placed the can of paint into a hole on the back of the machine which took the paint, then I made my way back down the walk way stairs and back to the podium.

I clicked the third button, causing the green paint to spray onto the new hands, covering them, once the machine had stopped, the machine alerted me to press the last button, which I did, causing the conveyer to move the hands where I could reach them.

I walked over and took my new green hand, before I took the next tape off of the podium, heading to a tv and watching the tape that showed me how to use my new hand.

After the tape had finished, I looked over at the glowing green hexagon, pressing the new hand onto it, collecting a charge, before turning to the dull green triangle, quickly pressing on it before the charge dissipated, causing the danger symbol door to open.

Walking through I passed through the tunnel area, heading back to the broken wall I had passed earlier.

I hopped through, heading down the corridor, walking up the stairs in front of me.

I came into a room with a square of dozens of small screens, making up one big one, a tube was above me, but I couldn't see inside it.

Once I had stood in the middle of the large circle, the room lit up and started things up, the tube above me revealing a Bunzo Bunny toy staring back at me.

The screen lit up, showing me how to play musical memory, a memory game with colours, if I failed, Bunzo would get me, and considering how the other two toys I've met are, this one won't be any different.

So my main rule, was don't fuck up.

A loud bang on some glass caught my attention, along with an eerie familiar voice.

"Oh isn't it amazing?" Mommy asked rhetorically, her sudden appearance caused me to whirl around behind me, looking up at her from a glass window in a room made to observe children during the game.

"Mommy hasn't seen the place up and running in years!" She told me, still keeping that cheerful tone, it unsettled me, especially knowing she didn't like people.

"Mommy can only imagine how excited Bunzo must be!" Her words reminded me of the bunny above, causing me to jolt my head to look at him, he was slowly lowering down, it made me nervous and caused me to back away a little.

"It's been such a long time since he's been able to play, to cheer, to eat." Her tone became darker at the end, and her words confirmed that Bunzo would kill me if he caught me during the game, the bunny in question clashed his cymbals together a few times at the end of her sentence, right after he finished lowering as far as he could.

"Oh, that's the dinner bell! Good luck darling!" Mommy finished, causing me to pause for a short moment, freezing up... Marie had used that too, what had made Mommy use it?

Before I could think on it more, the room started to get ready for the game, making me tense, Bunzo's cymbals clashing together constantly, I sighed knowing this would only cause more stress.

*Time skip to after Feather finishes the game cause who wants to read musical memory watching it is painful enough.*

The game had just become impossible, the voice calling out the numbers was speaking too rapidly for me to follow, Bunzo was getting louder, there were podiums everywhere, I had caught sight of one that had a warning symbol on it that spun around the room, I moved my aim to where it would be and pressed it. 

I broke the game and ending it, the voice dying out and sparks flying everywhere, Bunzo being shot back up the tube and everything went dark, aside from the room Mommy was in.

"Oh.... It broke." Her tone was deeper than normal, and showed her obvious disgruntled feelings, she had wanted me to fail, did she tapper with the game?

"That's no fun, for doing such a splendid job, Mommy has decided to give you... part of the code for the train!" She told me, sounded more closer to her cheerful persona.

Mommy lowered her hand down somewhere to the ceiling next to her on the left.

"Look up." She told me sweetly, making me frown slightly, before I did what she said, in the tube, her hand was holding part of the code that I needed.

"Take it." She sounded a little annoyed by the situation, but I took it anyways, before looking up at her green eyes.

"Thank you." I spoke for, possibly the first time since meeting her, but I have no idea what possessed me to say it, she seemed to jolt back a little at first, before steeling herself, I guess she hadn't expected it either.

She withdrew her hand back to her body, before she spoke again.

"Mommy was hoping the game could last a little longer, it's ok though, Mommy knows other ways to play with you." She uttered darkly, I blinked as she left the room, leaving me to my thoughts, which none of them will ever be repeated here.

The floor leading to the door rose back up, I hadn't even noticed it had lowered when the game started, crossing over it, it broke when I got half way, collapsing to the floor, leaving me to find a vent that I was able to crawl through.

The vent led me into a warehouse, where I had to complete a new task before I could head to the next game.

But my mind was still thinking about when she called me Darling, just like she did, it gave me a reminder of my objective.

I had to find Marie...

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