Chapter 4: An Ally?

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I could hear my heartbeat and my breathing, both calm, but everything was dark, what happened?

Where am I?

I remember.. I was with Poppy.

She said something.... What was it?

"You opened my case?" Her voice sounded so confused, but there had been a hint of relief, how long had she been in there?

Why had she been trapped there?

Did someone not want her to be allowed to roam?

Images started to flash in my mind, the first seemed to be a fuzzy image of a thin creature that I couldn't quite make out other than it's smooth texture, but the room was dark and hard to see.

I could have sworn I heard a voice too, whispering to me.

"Wake up." I'm not awake?

Another image flashed through my head, green eyes staring at me, why were they familiar?

Who did those eyes belong to?

more images came to my mind, a yellow bunny? a long fluffy blue creature, Huggy Wuggy and others like him, a pink version of Huggy, what was her name again? A train, the whistle hurt my ears.

all the while the voice continued to urge me awaken, the appearance of a familiar face faded into view slowly throughout the images.


I opened my eyes with a gasp, looking around wide eyed, my breathing heavy.

The room I was in was a dark red, this had been where I was before I passed out, how long had I been out?

I looked around the room, I saw Poppy's case wide open after what I did.

But Poppy was no where to be found.

She must've left while I was out, I stood up, looking around the room, wasn't she the voice I heard, I saw her face while I was out of it, how did she leave so quickly?


I walked down the corridor, looking for anything new, entering the playroom, I saw the wardrobe had been topple over, revealing a white door, but the way I had come from was blocked by miscellaneous items that I couldn't move.

I opened the little white door and walked through it.

The walls had paintings of Huggy and Bron the brontosaurus covering it.

Two doors on either side were locked, so I kept walking, before I heard Poppy again.

"This way." Her voice was a whisper, I nearly didn't hear it, I stopped, scanning around the room, trying to find her.

"Poppy?" I called out, waiting for a response, but I got none.

I walked further, getting to a three way fork like path, the way on the left was blocked by a gate, and had a bloodied Boogey bot toy on the floor, a puddle of blood beneath it.

The middle path had a door saying Elliot Ludwig above it, the door was also locked, so I walked down the final path to the right.

It had an arch, and through there, was a gap in the floor with a handle on the ceiling, curious I grabbed it with the grab pack.

"Keep going...." Poppy's voice was louder this time, nearly causing me to lose my grip, I threw myself over the gap, reaching the other end of the broken path, releasing the grab pack once I was firmly on the ground.

Walking around past a ladder, and down the corridor, through a second arch, there was a cut out of Huggy Wuggy with a button on it, and beside me a door blocked by barrels, using the grap back I pulled the barrels out of the way.

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