Chapter 1: The Factory

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I stood inside the factory, locking the door behind me, this place brings back so many memories, I stared at the receptionist desk, the wall behind had a deteriorated Huggy Wuggy drawing, the desk held a computer and a cub with some pens and pencils inside.

Walking up to the desk, I searched around, trying to find anything useful, I wound up finding a green video tape I had missed, I picked it up, turning to the tv on the right side of the wall in corner with a green video player beneath it.

I moved over to the tv, placing the tape in the video player, waiting for the video to start, the familiar voice of an old college.

"Hi, my name is Leith Pierre, and I'm the head of Innovation here at the Playtime.Co Toy Factory." The tape begun, I blinked slightly, before it continued.

"If you're seeing this, then you're trespassing! Yeah, we play this little tape on loop wheneverwe close the factory for the day, so trespasser, just to make you aware, while we pride ourselves primarily on our high quality toys and excellent child care, we also pride ourselves on our security." I raised an eyebrow at that, what was so important to hide, you needed to make a tape on it.

"For example, this facility is full of hidden motion triggers, which, once set off, will turn on the factory's emergency alarm and directly contact the authorities, and that's one of the more tame aspects of our security system." My eyes widened at the implications, when they hell did this place become CIA?

"No spoilers, so, you got my warning, it's not too late to turn around, I just hope that you're certain that whatever you're doing is worth it." The tape finished after that, I stared hard at the tv, glaring daggers at it, Marie would always be worth it, no matter the cost.

I looked around the room again, before finding the door to the security room, the keypad was colour coded, I won't get in without the combination, I looked behind me, seeing a small colourful train going in circles in another room.

Curiously I made my way over to it, the automatic doors seemed to work, opening to let me through, I looked up at the train going around and around, the room was filled with so many toys, a waiting room for the children.

Looking at the train, it had so many colours on it, Green, Pink, Yellow and lastly Red, the only colour combination I had seen in this place at all, getting an idea I left the room, heading back to the security room, looking at the keypad.

I pressed the colours in the exact order of the train, Green, Pink, Yellow and Red, the doors shot open, causing me to look up, blinking, before I let out a small cheer of success, walking through to see the next room, I had never gone to the security room before, I never had reason to.

There were many screens on the right side with multiple chairs, the other side had some more chairs.

Ahead of me, was another tv and a hole in the wall holding a large back pack like device, I could see the wall behind were the tv was plugged in, I walked over to it, wondering what would greet me next.

I found a second tape, placing it in the video player, before a add for the object behind the glass came up, showing me how to use it and what it was called, the one thing in the add standing out was them having to tell me not to use the grab pack on another person to avoid injury and death...

Did... someone do that for them to have to put that warning in there?

I moved to the grab pack, the glass lowering so I could grab it, when I put it on, it sat behind my own back pack comfortably, I barely felt it and it was surprisingly light, I exited the room, looking around once more.

I walked through the spinney gate, heading in a new direction to a locked door with a blue light in the shape of a hand above it, remembering the video's instructions, I pointed the single blue hand up to it, holding it there for a short while.

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