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6 years after

Temari's POV

I heard giggles in the living room that made my mouth unciously curve to a smile and looked up to the clock placed on my bedside table that read 5:45 am

"well aren't they such an early riser" I muttered to myself while chuckling and rise up from the bed ready to see what was happening outside my room.

The moment I stepped in the living room, the scenario only made me smile wider.

"well aren't you guys up so early?"

"mama!!" a small voice shouted with glee

"good morning dai chan! " I greeted my 5 year old son and kiss the top of his head "what are you doing?"

He looked at me with those striking green eyes, felt like I was looking at myself except that he has his father's dark hair. "I was trying to get mari go with me to the bakery but she won't bulge. she just died on the floor" he explained with annoyance on his cute little face which made me chuckled at the cuteness of my son

I looked at my daughter who leisurely sleep on the floor like she was not being bothered by her brother a while ago. "c'mon let's get your 'dead' sister" I said while picking him up and walked towards his sister

"mari" I nudged on my daughter once we went closer to her, but to no avail she won't really be bothered at the moment. just like his father

In one last attempt of trying to wake her up, shikadai went on kicking her softly while muttering "wake up!" which i think was effective as I heard a soft groan and muttering of "troublesome"

"Good morning baby, did you sleep good?" I greeted her as I see her beautiful hazel brown orbs

"it would be.. if only someone isn't being a bother" she muttered while giving her brother a death glare

"come now. why don't you go with your brother to the bakery and get our favorite bread?go on while I make our breakfast." I encourage her but she only sigh and hastily rise up and walk towards her brother who is now very ready to leave the house.

"Now,remember what I told you don't talk to strangers and go home straight okay" I reminded them as I tuck their scarfs properly. They nodded and walk hand in hand. They look so adorable. I really don't mind them wandering outside as we live in a small island and everybody knows everyone except for visitors of course.

6 years ago, I found myself lost, confused and hurt on what's happening with my life and it led me to a small island called okinawa. It's small but has a lot of natural beauty to offer which often gathers the attention of visitors. Its a small island but that's where I found a family. I was lucky enough to be able to work as a lawyer in the prefectural office. I can say that life here is simple. No luxuries like what I had before but it gave me peace and contentness that I didn't think I'll achieve.

All my life I was running after things that I thought would make me happy. I took up law and tried to help out in the family business because I thought it would make my dad proud. I tried to make a man love me just because I love him. I thought that if I would give my everything, do as everyone pleases. As long as I be the perfect "temari" I would be happy. I would be contented. but what I had felt before, all my assumptions were wrong. Because as soon as I let go. As soon as I had chosen myself, chose to accept myself that I will always make mistakes that's where I found peace and realization that no matter how many times I tumble all I needed to do is feel the pain, shame and all other emotions and once again rise up for myself and not for everyone else. It was a long and rough path but I wouldn't trade any other way, because at the end of that path I have my little angels that made everything okay.


(A/N: Hello everyone. if someone is still reading this I just want to apologize for not updating for a very very long time and know that I have been able to read all your kind messages. I'm honestly still not okay but I'm on the process of getting my life back together. I'm still healing from the hurt caused by people I treasure and all the self disappointment that I'm feeling but I know there's no other way but to move forward and your messages helped me move. Now I'm not only starting to continue that path I'm walking, now I'm also looking after myself. Once again I want to apologize for leaving you hanging but here's a short update and another one tomorrow. Thank you for sticking around)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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