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Teepakorn's(Tine) POV:

"Tine...Ai'Tine.." i heard this familliar voice while i felt someone tapping my face very gently. I opened my eyes and saw a familliar man, kinda looks like my ex boyfriend though. Wait, he is my ex boyfriend. How stupid, am i drunk? I don't think so. I smiled at him and said..

"Yah, stop tapping my face. I'm sleepy"
He sighed and i yawned.

"We're outside Tine. Our friends left us all alone cuz they have to take care of their own drunk boyfriends-"

"Shush! I am not your boyfriend khun Sarawat, please keep that in mind" i covered his mouth and he just rolled his eyes.

"What a nuisance." he sighed.

"SHUUUUUUUUSHH!!" i covered his mouth once again.

"That's what you called me when we were dating khun Sarawat, But were no longer together." i sassily said while i tried to stand up.

"I see four birds flying...wah~" i really do see the birds while i feel so drowsy. Everything became blurry until i passed out.

"Ah shit, my head hurts." i complained.

I looked around the room and my head feels like it was about to explode any moment now. My throat hurts but the only thing i know is...i'm only wearing my boxers and somebody is beside me. My heart dropped by the thought and i was hoping that i was wrong, but when i looked at the person beside me...it was..

"SHIAAAA!!!(SHIT!!!)" i kicked the man beside me and got my glasses to see more clearly. I heard a loud sound and turns out i kicked him too hard, making him fall on the ground.

"OI! WHAT THE FUCK TINE?!" he complained.

"Y-You!!! What the hell are you doing at my room huh?!" i stuttered while trying to cover my breasts...I know i don't have one but who cares?

"D-Did something...happened between us?" i curiously asked. I am so fucking nervous, my heart couldn't stop beating.

"What? No Tine you got it all wrong."
Oh, was i assuming things?

"Then why am i naked Ai'Wat?!" I thought that he might've touched me so i grabbed a pillow and threw it at him harshly.


"DID YOU TOUCH ME YOU JERK?! WE BROKE UP ALREADY AI'SARAWAT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TOUCH ME I CAN FUCKING SUE YOU IF I-" I stopped ranting when we heard someone knocking. He glared at me and threw the pillow right beside me and he stood up to open the door. He was wearing his pants, and i don't feel sore....so that means..

"Hi sir, my name is Mia. I'm the manager of this hotel. So uhm the other room right beside you sent a complaint about you shouting and some random noises which disturbs them so we wanted to ask if everything's okay?" Shit, this is embarassing.

"Everything is fine, just a small misunderstanding but we'll keep it down. I'm sincerely sorry for the disturbance." Sarawat formally said.

"No worries Sir Guntithanon, if you need any help you can call us anytime. Your breakfast will be delivered as soon as possible." she's so kind, what's her name again? Mia? I'll tell this to their boss just so she can get a higher position that she deserves.

"Thank you Ms. Mia." Sarawat politely said before closing the door.

Sarawat came towards me and i saw him picking up his shirt.

"Where are you going?"

"To my room."

"Wait..about earlier i-"

"Just so you know, i never touched you. Nothing happened between us and i wouldn't want to even if i had a chance. I brought you here because Dim asked me to do so. I took care of you, removed your clothes because you puked everywhere since you were so drunk. Do you understand?" he coldly said. He glared at me which made me nervous and guilty at the same time. I nodded while i looked at him and i stood up to apologize.

"Look, i'm sorry i jumped into conclusions that quickly, i didn't know."

"Of course you don't, you were dead ass drunk last night. Now sue me for "Touching" you, i couldn't care any less." right, he was mad at me. He's really scary everytime he's mad. Fuck, this makes me even more scared. He left and closed the door while i was still stunned. God this shit's embarassing. How can i face him later?


Drunk Tine is kinda adorable ngl😭
See you on the next chapter<33

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