Closer Look

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7 years ago

Joon Woo is getting ready for his taekwondo final battle between elementary school students. He was determined to show his father that he would be a strong man who would not embarrass his yakuza family. He wanted to prove to his father that he was worthy of being a part of their family with his strength. When the battle began, he entered the battle area, and he saw a little girl who had entered the area just like him.

Joon Woo just smirked when he knew that his final rival would be a girl. He was sure that he could beat her easily. The girl is named Song Hyang. While Joon Woo looked at her with a mocked face, she just stared at him expressionless. The battle just somehow started and they fight each other. Joon Woo tried to hit Hyang. He didn't care if she was a girl, all that he needed was to win the battle. But the more he tries to hit her, the stronger she becomes. They fight each other, and Hyang becomes the winner in the end.

"You work hard," said Hyang, offering her hand to help Joon Woo, who fell on the mattress. She smiled at him brightly and sincerely, but Joon Woo just became more irritated with that. It seemed to him that she was mocking him. Joon Woo just stood by himself and bumped her small body, hardly making her fall down. He didn't look back, not even for a second, because he felt so angry for his loss.

The next day, when Joon Woo attended his class, there was a new transfer student in his class. His small eyes widened when he saw his rival come to his class. She looked cold and expressionless, and when she saw Joon Woo, she gave him a small smile. When Joon Woo was on his way home, he accidentally saw Hyang again in the school garden. She was practicing her fighting skills. But Joon Woo can see that she actually didn't enjoy it. She seemed like she was forcing herself to keep fighting, to get stronger. He even caught a sad expression and tears rolling down her face. She just released her anger about something he didn't know.

"Why are you practicing so hard when you have already won? Are you trying to mock me?" Ask Joon Woo cynically.

"Do you want to practice with me?" asked Hyang, excited.

"Why would I?" asked Joon Woo back.

"I just feel like you are as desperate as me. Try to be stronger," said Hyang, smiling. Joon Woo was just silent when she said something true about him.

"Why do you want to be stronger?" asked Hyang, curious.

"Don't ask and say anything anymore, let's just do our second match," said Joon Woo, putting his backpack on and attacking Hyang.

Hyang was taken aback by the sudden attack, which caused her to collapse to the ground.Her eyes changed, and she was determined to win, and with that, they fight against each other. They kept fighting, beating and beating each other. Both of them refused to surrender and just kept fighting until they got exhausted and fell together on the ground. They breathe heavily while their sweat can't stop flowing. They are lying on the ground next to each other.

"I want to show my dad that I can become a strong man," said Joon Woo after he could control his breath.

"Really? But what is the point of showing people that we are good at the thing we do? " Inquire with Hyang about Joon Woo.

"It's important to me. Don't question that. I was answering your first question," said Joon Woo, annoyed.

"Rather than try to seem stronger in other people's eyes, why don't you try to become stronger to protect yourself? Your beloved person... just like me," said Hyang. Joon Woo was silent for a while, trying to digest Hyang's words.

"Do you want to become stronger to protect your beloved person?" asks Joon Woo in the end.

"Yes I do," said Hyang with a lower voice.

"I just want to get stronger so that I can face the fact that I lost my brother; even though I know I can't protect him anymore, I want him to not worry about me from there because I'm a weak girl; I'm just so angry with everything and want to beat it on my own." Hyang's eyes filled with desperation and longing.

"I think your brother would be happy to see you become a stronger person," said Joon Woo.

"Really?" asked Hyang with her bright and excited eyes, looking at Joon Woo. Joon Woo just nods without saying any other words.

"Do you want to be my friend?" asked Hyang suddenly.

"Why would I?" asked Joon Woo.

"Because I have no friends from my previous school and here too, I want to have a good friend. Besides, I'm so lonely..." said Hyang honestly.

"We..."become good friends?" asks Joon Woo again.

"Yes we are... we can be good friends," said Hyang, smiling brightly.

Back to Present

Shin was looking for Hyang everywhere, but he couldn't find her. And when lunch time arrived, he felt that Hyang would be in the canteen, and he was right; there she was with his four friends. They are talking, laughing, and joking together. Shin observes Hyang silently. She looks so bright at one time, but she looks so desperate and frustrated at other times. Maybe she just tries to use her smile and her scary glare to hide her sadness.

He then turned to see Joon Woo, then Myung Sik, Dae jun, and Hyun Ki alternately. The four of them may do the same thing. They stick together to find their happiness and express their rebellion against their terrible life. Shin believes that deep in their hearts, all of them are good kids. Maybe they just don't know how to express their true feelings in the right way, and they choose to be rude and rebel. Shin walked toward their table and joined them, putting his lunch on the table. He sat next to Hyang and Joon Woo, facing Myung Sik, Dae jun, and Hyun ki on the other table side. The five of them were just looking at Shin with a surprised and confused face. How dare he sit there?

"Where have you gone?" asked Shin of Hyang.

Hyang just glared at Shin with a "none of your business" expression drawn on her face.

"Do you try to get a problem by sitting here?" asked Dae Jun to Shin.

"No, I just want to get closer to Hyang... and all of you," said Shin honestly without any expression and just ate his meal.

"Dream on!" said Hyang, annoyed.

"Let's just go, he's ruining our appetite," said Hyang, standing fast and walking away from Shin, followed by the others.

When school was over, the angel devil decided to have some fun together by walking around and doing various activities.But there again, Shin kept walking behind, following them. They feel bothered by his presence. They keep glaring at Shin, but it seems like he has no clue about how bothersome they are. Well, he just pretends to not realize it. He just wanted to make sure that the five of them didn't do anything bad again, and besides, he always needed to protect Hyang.

"What is your problem, dude?" asks Joon Woo, who can't stay still with Shin.

"As I said, I want to stick together with all of you youngsters... just to make sure that you won't get into trouble anymore," said Shin. Hyang just rolled her eyes at hearing that, while the others just frowned their eyebrows.

Joon Woo suddelny punches Shin's face, and without any preparation, Shin can't avoid it.

"Just stay away from us," said Joon Woo.

Hyang, Joon Woo, and Dae jun continue their walking, while Hyun Ki and Myung Sik still hesitate to leave. Hyun Ki is actually curious as to why Shin is trying so hard to get closer to them; he is suspicious of him, while Myung Sik feels pity for him but is also annoyed by him.He just thinks that there is something in Shin that actually makes Myung sik want to respect him, but he isn't really sure what that is.

"Let's go..." said Hyun Ki, and in the end, asked Myung Sik to go.

Myung Sik nods but still hesitates to leave. He looks at Shin, who is also looking at him, and then turns his gaze to Hyun Ki, who suspects him. Myung Sik then decides to go and Shin keeps his eyes on the angel-devil's back.

"But I won't resist," said Shin, smiling and wiping his blood on his side lip. He then continued to follow them from behind in the safe zone to make sure they didn't smell his presence.

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