Car Ride

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The black limousine sat outside of Maleficent's castle. Many islers stood around it, amazed by the nice vehicle and the suited man that stepped out. Jay snuck around the car, taking off his beanie and putting it on top of the hood ornament, swiftly stealing it.

"And that's almost a thousand dollars gone," The Beast complained.

"Really?" Jafar asked, impressed with his son's steal.

"Why would you spend that much money on a shiny thingy?" Gil asked, confused.

"It's a symbol; it shows the people that those cars belong to us." Belle tried her best to explain.

"Does everyone in Auradon have those long cars?" Dizzy questioned.

"Well, no. But some other families do so it's used to differentiate theirs from ours."

"So if you didn't have it what would happen? Identity fraud?" Carlos asked.

"You could kidnap a prince that way; by pretending to be one of them," Evie realized, causing Chad to gulp in fear.

"So couldn't you just buy a similar thing, or make one, and pretend to be you guys?" Carlos asked; it may have sounded like they were plotting but he was just trying to understand more about the foreign land.

"Well people in Auradon don't do things like that," The Beast told them, bitterly. Whenever they were done with the movie, he would make sure to shut down his sons foolish idea of rehabilitating the villain kids.

"People in Auradon are also boring. I wanna shiny rock," Uma complained.

"Ah! Smells like common folk." The Evil Queen complained as she walked her daughter out to the car. Evie excitedly opened the car door before Cruella could be heard yelling after her son, "Come back here, now!"  Carlos hurried out of the castle, dodging the queen, threw the trash bag he used as luggage in the trunk of the limo and jumped into the car.

"Ingrate." She spit out.

"What was that about?" Celia asked but Carlos shrugged.

"He probably didn't want to give his mommy a kiss goodbye," Jay mocked, putting Carlos and a headlock and making kissy faces at him as Carlos tried to squirm out of his grip.

"I carried that child for nine months, least he can do is tell my goodbye," Cruella complained as the boys continued to scuffle.

Evie jumped in after Carlos. Mal came out soon after, handing her bag to the driver who threw it in the trunk. She looked up to where her mother was, still on the balcony staring at her. She sent her the 'I'm watching you' gesture  and Mal climbed into the limo.

"The jackals have landed."

"What's a jackal?" Celia asked.

"An animal. Ancient Egyptians thought they were gods of the underworld, for some reason," Hades told them, "but now it means someone who's dishonest and a follower. He's calling you guys evil wimps."

"Well that's not very Auradon-ian of him," Evie complained.

Jafar, Evil Queen, and Cruella all waved their children goodbye as the car pulled off.

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