twenty one.

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DAISY AND EDWARD DECIDED TO JOIN BELLA ON THE TRIP TO HER MOTHER'S BUNGALOW. Bella sat outside with her mother while Edward and Daisy sat at the table conversing. As they talked, a man walked into the kitchen. He stared at the dead teenagers until he put the pieces together. "You two must be friends of Bella's. I'm Phil." He stuck to hands out for the kids to shake. Edward took it but Daisy was reluctant before shaking it back. "I'm surprised you two aren't out there with her. It's nice outside."

"I sunburn easily." Daisy finally spoke. Phil slowly nodded his head and opened the fridge door to get beef jerky. He stuck some out for Edward and Daisy to take, but both declined. He put them back and walked back to his room before shutting the door. "That was awkward." Daisy said.


"Actually, it was really fun. Now I can say I've been to Disney world." Daisy answered.

Edward elbowed her. "Not you, Bella."

Bella chuckled. "No. It was really great to see my mom. Just really hard saying goodbye."

"It doesn't have to be goodbye."

"Is that why you guys wanted me to go? You thought I was gonna change my mind?" Bella realized.

Edward offered a gentle smile. "I'm always hoping for that." He abruptly looked up and stiffened as if he heard something. "Daise, if I asked you and Bella to stay in the car would you?" He turned and asked his girlfriend. Daisy looked at him confusedly. Bella opened the backseat car door. "Of course not." Edward puffed.

The three emerged from the Volvo to see Jacob climbing off of his motorcycle and striding toward them. He was wearing a tight black shirt and greasy stained jeans. His hard expression caused other students to give him a wide berth He looked dangerous.

Bella smiled, delighted to see her friend - boyfriend? Daisy could never figure out what they were. "Jake!"

Daisy subtly pulled Bella back. "Hey, Charlie said you left town."

"Yeah. To visit my mom, why?" Bella questioned.

"Just checking to see if you're still human." He concentrated on something. At the same time, Edward seemed to be in distress. "I'm coming here to warn you. If your kind come on our land again..." he said in a threatening voice, causing Daisy to jump back and Edward to hold her hand, keeping her calm.

"Wait, what?" Bella asked, clearly puzzled.

"Neither of you told her?"

"Just leave it alone, Jacob." Daisy said.

"Tell me what?" Bella asked once more, dedicated to finding the answer.

"Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding, there is nothing to worry about." Edward explained.

"Listen to you. Did you lie to get her out of town, too?"

"You need to leave." Daisy said.

"She has a right to know. She is the one the red-head wants."

"Victoria? Alice's vision."

"We were trying to protect you." Daisy spoke.

"By lying to me?" Bella looked hurt. Daisy felt bad that she lied. Bella sighed. "We're gonna talk about this, but... You. Why haven't you called me back?" She turned and pointed at Jacob.

"I had nothing to say." Jacob said coldly.

"Well I had tons." Bella argued. She moved closer to Jacob.

"Bella, you can't be serious." Daisy began. Bella sent a glare her way. If looks could kill, Daisy would had already been six feet under.

Jacob gave a light smirk as she climbed on. "Lose the grin, Jacob. We're just going for a ride." Bella said. Jacob told her to hold on tight as he started the motorcycle.

As they drove away, Bella and Daisy made eye contact once more. Now the situation was switched. A small tear trickled down Bella's cheek as she turned and pressed her head on Jacob's back.

Edward turned to the red-head who stood there, staring at the tracks left from the motorcycle. He linked his hand with hers. "Come on Daise, class is starting soon."

"I think I ruined our friendship." Daisy spoke, not moving. She felt like she was frozen in place. "I mean it's not like I care or anything. You're right, we have class." She walked past Edward. He followed her, watching her mope in the back.

The rest of the day wasn't better. Daisy used the work she was given in her classes as a distraction. About two times each class, Edward would write her a note to read asking if she was alright. She would read it and ignore it.

The drive home was silent. The rest of the day and night, Daisy sat in the room watching the television or reading.

Something about that moment ruined Daisy. No one was able to figure out what it was, not even herself. The moment played in Daisy's head like a broken record. She could see the tear on Bella's cheek. She could see the smirk on Jacob's stupid face. She wanted to apologize, but she couldn't figure out how.

Her friendship with Bella was ruined, which made it harder to save her from Victoria.

A/n: AHHHHHH. Their friendship is ruined? maybe. Some more adorable Daisy and Edward moments? YES! I am so torn on this chapter. It's cringy but I love it.

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