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TEN | reminiscence

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TEN | reminiscence

THE WHOLE PLAN WAS THAT ALICE AND JASPER WOULD TAKE BELLA TO ARIZONA WHILE THE REST OF THE CULLENS STAYED IN FORKS. It was safer for everyone. As Bella got into the car, she motioned Daisy to come over. "I'm going to miss you." She then gave Daisy a hug through the window.

"Woah. Hold your horses. I'm not going to die. I already did that. Don't worry. Everything is going to be okay, and we will fix everything."

Bella nodded. "Okay. Oh, you should probably tell Edward how you feel. Just saying."

Daisy looked back at Edward. He was on the counter scrolling through his phone. He looked up and smiled at Daisy who gave him a warm smile.

"I'll think about it." Daisy then smacked the back of the car, signaling Jasper to drive away. Then the Jeep with Rosalie and Emmett drove off.

The trees blew past at a blinding speed as Daisy, Emmett, Edward, and Rosalie darted through the misty woodlands. As Daisy ran, she tested a tiny swatch of her shirt, leaving it on a maple tree.

They eventually got in the car with Dr. Cullen. Emmett was in the back with Daisy and Edward up front. Daisy continued to speak with Bella on the phone. "We're coming to get you. I hate to say it but we lost the tracker. The chick is still in the area and Esme and Rosalie are protecting your dad."

"This is my fault. Edward warned me, but I didn't think. I just.."

"We've gone too deep."

Bella paused. "When will you get here?"

"I'm not coming to you Bella. Edward is. I'm gonna hunt the tracker down until he's gone and you feel safe."

Edward sat up and looked at his friend. "What? Y-you didn't tell me this plan!"

Carlisle looked at his son. "It's for the best Edward. Daisy is better at tracking."

He met Daisy's eyes. He could hear Bella freaking out on the other side of the phone, begging Daisy to come to her. "I have to go." Bella sighed, hanging up.

Daisy leaned her head against the window, taking breaths. If she could cry, she would be sobbing at the moment. All she could do was inhale and exhale in deep breaths.

Edward grabbed Daisy's hand and held it. They were both worried about Bella. They were both protective of the mortal, and it was nice.

All he could think about was the night they met. That night where she bumped into him at the movies. That night where she paid for tickets to the carnival to make up for it. That night where they were stuck on the top of the Ferris wheel, but it was okay because that was the moment they decided to become friends.

That was the moment he fell in love.

Bella was forced to the ground by James. He videoed her crying in pain. "Tell them to get revenge on you. Tell her."

"Don't do this..please." Bella pleaded.

James was suddenly knocked away. He rose to find himself face to face with Edward and Daisy. James charged at Daisy, forcing her against the column. "You're weak. Just like the rest of them."

He smashed her face into the mirror as Bella cried out in horror. Edward grabbed him and pushed him to the floor. "She's strong enough to kill you. And so am I."

James yanked Edward violently onto the floor with him. He then flung Daisy up into the window, embedding her into the bricks. James then grabbed Bella's hand and bit her. Edward's hand shot up and grabbed James' ankle. He roared up to his feet and swung James around like a baseball bat, smashing him into mirror after mirror.

The rest of the cullens in the area arrived. Carlisle ran to Bella, who was screaming in pain. Alice ran to Daisy, giving her a nod to go to Bella.

"Her femoral artery's been severed. She's losing too much blood." Carlisle said, applying pressure to her thigh.

"It's on fire! My hand!" Bella cried.

"Venom." Daisy muttered. Edward came up from behind Daisy.

"You two need to make a choice, let the change happen-"

"No. It doesn't have to be that way." Edward said.

Alice held her nose and avoided the blood as she ripped the sleeve off her blouse and kneeled to aid Carlisle. "Here's a tourniquet."

"It's burning." Bella cried in pain.

"What's the other option?" Daisy questioned.

"You can try to suck the venom out."

Edward and Daisy looked up. "I-I won't be able to stop."

"Edward, you must find the will to stop. But you two must choose, she only has minutes left."

"You need to suck it out." Daisy said.

"I can't control it. I'll kill her.."

Daisy cupped Edward's face. "You can. I know you can. I've seen you do it. Everyone trusts you, I trust you. But now you need to trust yourself."

Edward nodded slowly as he bent down to suck the venom out. Daisy heard him give himself words of affirmation before placing him mouth onto her hand.

They watched as Edward took it out. It had seemed to go on for a little bit too long, however, "Edward stop. Her blood is clean! You're killing her!" Daisy grabbed him and pushed him off of her. He lifted his head up before she past out, unconscious.

A/n: I know this was like INCREDIBLY short than most of my chapters but omg so much happened in so little time

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A/n: I know this was like INCREDIBLY short than most of my chapters but omg so much happened in so little time. Don't worry tho folks, this is our second to last chapter until we go to Act II. YAY! Also, I apologize for not updating on my normal schedules lately. I've been busy, but now I'm on Spring Break, so yay!

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