Chapter 1: Stranger

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Chapter 1: Stranger

I swallow the pill.

"All of them," the man barks.

I swallow the rest.

The quiet is like a needle in my ear, the silence screeching so loudly it makes me gasp. I feel my knees buckle, and I crawl back in shock as everything around me blurs.

Breathe. I need air.

I don't know when the man leaves the room. Instead, I scuttle backwards, my back hitting a cold wall. I rest my head against it, closing my eyes as pain flutters in my head, the pills doing their job.


I open my eyes.

A mistake.

The corners of my sight darken, the metal room barred from all around. The bed beside me is the only thing I find comfort in, though it is void of any sheets. Just a mattress and a pillow is all I cherish.

The man will be back.

I swallow, hands shaking as I curl them into fists. I ignore the pain in my head, forcing myself up and onto my feet. I stumble, my body shuddering. The man took my clothes to clean, and I am bare except for the underwear I wear that does nothing to keep me warm from the purposely cold room.

"It's to keep him awake," I remember the man saying. "Keep him on his feet."

I reach the door, collapsing against it. I bang the door with my fists, gritting my teeth as a strong wave of pain makes me close my eyes tightly.

"O-open," I breathe. "L-let-let me out–"

I don't know what's happening. I don't know who I am. I don't know where I am. Why I exist. Where I exist.

Nothing makes sense.

"Ple-please," I hit the door harder, shaking sweaty hair out of my face. "Please!"

No response.

I know the man laughs on the other side at my feeble attempts to call him. To call anyone. But for them, it's progress. I don't remember the last time I spoke. The last time I opened my mouth or heard my own voice.

I didn't even remember what I sounded like until now.

"I'll do anything," I whisper.

There's a loud thunk and the lights shut off. I slide down the door, unable to stand any longer, my breath laboured.

I don't remember falling asleep.


hi hey hello welcome to book 2 muhahhaha. am lowkey scared to post this book for some reason. but I will try to do weekly Wednesday posts. I am so glad i can write these notes again and update you guys on my sad pathetic life. 

First fucking update: I HAVE SCHOOL STARTING IN EXACTLY A FUCKING WEEK BRO 😭😭 wtf please. and all my hard courses are in semester 2 and my stupid ass guidance councilor won't CHANGE IT

anyways. some dark things coming soon. this book will be exploring some...deeper parts of the mafia world. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ily thx for so many reads on my ALEK

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