Chapter 24

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"What?" Cara breathed out and shook her head, "what do you mean? She- Cindy wouldn't do that." Cara argued before sending a quick glance in Cindy's direction.

"I'm sorry Miss Thompson, but it's the truth. Now we've started her on Naloxone, but depending on how long she's been addicted, it's going to be a long road to recovery. The alcohol appears to have caused extensive damage on her liver, it's fascinating actually that she's made it this far." The doctor explained.

Cara was speechless. She gulped and looked at Cindy again, while her left arm was hooked beneath her breasts, and her right hand rested on her chest, while her elbow used her left arm for support.

"Is there any other family we can call?" The doctor wondered after a moment in silence.

Cara shook her head, "Not that I know of."

The doctor nodded, "well alright. Do you need anything at this time?"

Cara smiled softly, "No. I'm alright, thank you."

The doctor nodded again then excused himself.

Cara stared at the closed door for a while, before she lifted her face toward the ceiling and breathed out.

"Gosh Cindy, what were you thinking?" Cara wondered aloud, then she looked at her roommate again and shook her head.

Cara returned to her seat, and pulled out her phone... but who was she going to call? She didn't have Vincent's number, nor did she have Jason's number either.

"I wasn't." Cindy suddenly admitted, and Cara's eyes snapped from her phone's screen and in Cindy's direction.

Cindy could barely keep her eyes opened. But she was awake.

Cara rushed to Cindy's side and grabbed her hand.

"You're awake." Cara said, her tears threatening to spill.

"Looks like it." Cindy expressed tiredly, before gulping.

Cara frowned, "Do you want water? Are you cold? I can get you a warm blanket." Cara offered.

Cindy smiled softly.

"You're going soft on me Cara." Cindy called her out.

Cara shook her head.

"It's not funny Cindy. I mean it, what were you thinking?" Cara couldn't stop herself from asking.

"I don't want to talk about it Cara. Let's just forget it." Cindy replied and closed her eyes.

"No you can't do that Cindy." Cara warned.

"Didn't you hear what the doctor said? Your liver is damaged, you can't go back to using drugs or drinking." Cara explained.

Cindy pulled her hand away from Cara's hold.

"I said forget it Cara." Cindy warned.

Cara stood up and shook her head.

"It was Dennis, wasn't it?"


"Admit it, he's the one who gave you the drugs."


"Should I call him up and let him know he almost got you killed?"

"Damn it Francesca I told you to drop it. SH*T!" Cindy snapped while sitting up in a rage.

Cara stepped back in shock. Cindy breathed heavily.

"Get out." Cindy ordered, then she laid back down and turned on her side to ignore Cara.

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