Chapter 13

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Cara was startled from her resting state by Cindy's blaring iPhone alarm. Her heartrate instantly spiked, and she swallowed a gulp of overnight-flavored saliva, while staring at the ceiling, trying to calm her breathing. Cara turned her neck to the right when she heard Cindy mutter and stretch in her bed. Cindy lifted her hand and tapped around until she felt her phone screen and turned off the alarm. She yawned loudly, then rolled over, facing Cara. 

"Good Morning girly." Cindy greeted, though she was still half sleeping. 

Cara rubbed her eyes and yawned. 

"What time is it?" Cara asked, while sitting up. 

Cindy lifted her hand in sign that Cara wait for a moment, then she turned on her stomach and placed her head on her pillow. Cara watched on perplexed. 

"Did you fall asleep again-" Cara was in the process of asking after a moment, when Cindy's hand shot up again, in sign of wait. 

Zipping her lips, Cara waited. Cindy took a few more seconds before lifting her head and whispering under her breath, 'Amen'. The she sat up, and stretched her arms behind her back, causing her muscles to crack and her joints to pop. 

Cindy yawned again before replying, "It's 7:00 AM. Usually I wake up at 7:30, but breakfast is at 8:00, and since there's two of us, I figured it's best that we each have about thirty minutes to get ready." 

Cindy then got out of the bed and proceeded to crack her spine and stretch out her lower extremities. After that, she began fixing the sheets on her bed. 

"Do you want to shower first?" Cindy asked Cara, who got out of bed and copied Cindy's actions. 

"Uh yeah, I guess." Cara replied, while fluffing her pillows and pulling her sheets back in place. 

"Okay, just make sure you dress causally, remember we're going shopping today." Cindy reminded Cara, who in turn nodded. 

Cara finished fixing up her bed and headed to the closet to pick out her clothes.

"By the way, I had a talk with Jason before heading to bed this morning." Cindy called after Cara. 

The moment Cara heard Jason's name, her heart skipped a beat in her chest. She was instantly reminded of the deal she made with him, and the fact that Cindy was smack dab in the middle of it. Feeling nervous, Cara quickly picked out a pair of jeans, and a simple long sleeve t-shirt, then returned to the bedroom. 

"Oh yeah? What did you guys talk about?" Cara asked, hoping she didn't sound too eager. 

"Well let's just say I needed permission to whup you a** whenever you get on my nerves." Cindy admitted nonchalantly. 

"Yeah right," Cara laughed, "and did he say yes?" She played along. 

Cindy frowned, "No, apparently he said that role was only reserved for him." 

Cara choked on her spit, her eyes widening just slightly, while her head heated in a panic. 

"Wha-at?" Cara expressed. 

"Wha-at, you heard me." Cindy replied, though secretly she was pulling Cara's leg. 

"That's not funny." Cara now frowned. 

"I'm not laughing." Cindy replied crossing her arms. 

"Wait, are you serious?" Cara now gripped her clothes tightly to her chest. 

Cindy kept her arms crossed, and simply rose an eyebrow and gave a light shrug. Then she silently counted down the seconds in her mind while watching Cara's facial expressions. What she saw play over her roommate's features told Cindy exactly what she wanted to know. After catching them in the West Wing the evening prior, and watching them in the ballroom last night, Cindy had an inkling that there may be something brewing between her boss and her roommate, and now, while Cara stood facing her, avoiding eye contact, and being unable to decide whether to smile or to be concerned, Cindy felt her suspicions solidify. 

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