Chapter 14

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Cindy entered the office, while passing close to Cara. In that moment of close contact, Cara made a quick face of her eyes rolling up and her tongue sticking out to the side of her mouth, to indicate that Jason was killing her. Cindy did her best to stifle a chuckle and cleared her throat while making her way to Jason's desk.

Cara took her time in closing the door and took even longer to walk back to the desk. She pretended to be studying the credit card in her hand, and while she expected to see the company's name, instead she noticed it was Jason's first and last name on the card. Frowning, Cara reached the desk and prepared to sink into the spongy seat.

Jason waited for Cara's butt to almost reach the seat, when he cleared his throat and spoke up, "Oh Miss Thompson, please wait in the hall. I'd like to speak with Cindy alone."

"What-" Cara breathed out, her face instantly marring into an angry mask.

Jason rose an eyebrow at her actions, and Cara sent a side glance to Cindy, who sat fabulously with her spine straight and her legs crossed. Her fingers were intertwined and resting on her propped knee. Cindy looked at Cara quizzically, and Cara was forced to swallow her question and anguish, and instead flashed a stiff smile.

"Of course." Cara finally said.

Then she turned around with tense shoulders and walked straighter than a rusted robot, out of Jason's office.

After closing the door behind her, and entering the hall, Cara decided to check out the space which will soon be her office. She opened the door and switched on the lights and was surprised to find that all the equipment from the day before had been removed and replaced, with a standard brown, dorm room sized desk with two drawers, and a white mesh rolling office chair. On the desk was a laptop still in its box. On the right front corner of the room, was a smaller table holding a printer.

Cara closed the door and imagined how it would be when she worked in such a small space. Looking around the room, Cara nodded her head silently. The space was cozy enough, but it needed more. Pulling out her phone, Cara made note on what she planned to buy at the mall to liven up her little space. The first would be potted artificial flowers to bring in a pop of color inside the off-white-walled room. The second would be a painting or two for the walls. Cara looked at her dull brown desk, and instantly made note to buy a clear container filled with the classic-colored gumballs, and finally, Cara thought to buy a small fan to help initiate better ventilation.

Placing her phone away, Cara headed for the door just as she heard Jason's door open. Cara stepped into the hallway again, while Cindy closed Jason's door behind her.

"You ready?" Cindy asked Cara while approaching her.

"Yeah." Cara nodded.

Cindy smiled and laced their elbows together, then the ladies began heading back down the hallway and towards the front of the mansion. As they walked, Cara waited until they were out of ear-range from the office, and she turned her attention to Cindy.

"Hey, what were you guys talking about?" Cara whispered, almost afraid that Jason would pop out of nowhere and scold her for being nosy.

"He asked me what color lingerie I thought would fit you best." Cindy admitted casually.

"WHAT?!" Cara whisper yelled.

"Yeah, apparently there's a big meeting with a client this evening, and since you're the secretary, your dress code will have to be in a lingerie." Cindy admitted, while they reached the end of the hallway, and turned the corner.

Cara gulped in disbelief, and instantly felt lightheaded.

"So what did you say?" Cara demanded, now clutching on to Cindy's arm for dear life.

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