He was in the bathroom, finishing up brushing his teeth, wiping his mouth off. "Hey De? Can I ask you a question?" Milani asked, entering the bathroom and leaning against the doorframe.

She watched as he fixed the single chain, this time it had no pendant that accompanied his all black attire. He nodded his head in question, since he couldn't speak due to the mouthwash in his mouth.

"You mentioned that you used to talk to a girl named Vanessa, right? Are you still uhm . . . talking to her?" She questioned, the calmest she possibly could since she recalled DeVanté stating he didn't talk to her any longer when they had been on the road for tour. "Yeah, I did. I haven't talked to her since like May, why you ask?"

She inhaled a deep breath before letting out an even heavier exhale, her chest heaved up and down in sync. "Then why did you just receive mail from her? She sent it here meaning someone gave her the address to our house, we just got this house. I know it wasn't JoJo, Dalvin or K-Ci, because they're not that stupid. So, I'm going to ask you this one last time. Have you talked to her recently or anytime since May?" She questioned, handing him the golden brown envelope.

"Fine, I lied, alright? I had still been talking to her since May. But you wouldn't understand why." He sighed, opening the letter. He knew it exactly what it about, Milani watched the entire thing transpire. She slightly scoffed, uncrossing her arms, "I wouldn't understand? Then please enlighten me! Please, DeVanté."

"I-I can't, now right now. I can't explain it, I'm just-you wouldn't understand, M." He tried to explain, stammering over his words, looking up from the letter. "And how do you know that? This woman mailed you a letter, she knows our address, I'm not even asking you what the letter is about. I'm asking you what wouldn't I understand? It's like you're hiding something, and this is relationship, we're suppose to be open with each other, and you're going against that."

She had hit him hard in the head, mentally. She spoke nothing but true facts. He almost folded, and told her the truth before his brain quickly refrained himself from doing so.

"You know what, I don't have time for this. If you don't want to say, you don't want to say. I'm not going to force you to explain something to your girlfriend if you don't want to." She scoffed again, before exiting out the bathroom.

He sighed, throwing his hand back as he mentally groaned. Why now? He thought. The two were having a great time together, then this had to happen.

"Milani! Come on, yo, you're really mad about this shit?" He called out, following behind her by leaving the bathroom, throwing the letter on the bed. "Yes, DeVanté, I am! Because if it were to be the other way around, you would have a total meltdown and force me out of saying it! You won't even tell me what's up, I thought we agreed to be open, not hide things from each other. That's not how I am, nor do I want us to be. It feels like you don't even trust me!" She frowned, zipping her luggage back up.

"I do trust you, I really do. It's just that-I don't feel comfortable with what I need to tell you just yet. You wouldn't and don't understand, but I promise you, when I'm ready, I'll tell. You have my word." He assured her, attempted to place his hand on her waist before she moved from his hold.

"Can you drive me to the airport now? I want to be a little earlier." She told him, ignoring everything he had to say. She wasn't beat to place up a fight at the moment, but that's what they were doing anyway. It wasn't the first fight they had, and it damn sure wasn't going to be any of the lasts.

𝐔 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈, devanté swing.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum