Chapter 1

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Hi! Thank you for clicking on my story. I have been wanting to write one of these for a long time. First and foremost I want to thank PJOfanatix for her story "Making the Match"  Not only was it the first story I read on Wattpad but it is to this day my favorite ones. So this story is inspired off of hers. I have been wanting to write a book for a long time, and what better way to start but on Wattpad! Enjoy the story.

Sophie Foster had been through a lot. Not only did she live in the Forbidden Cities for years but from a young age, she has had rebels out to kill her. Finally Sophie could relax, at least for the most part. The Elite Levels were going to be tough. Sophie would have to put her worries aside to focus on her studies. Keefe was still missing. He had taken off his registry pendent soon after leaving The Lost Cities. Apparently he thought that the world would be better without him. No one had seen or heard from him since. Sophie kept him in the back of her mind, swearing to search for him once she graduated. 

In the meantime, Sophie just needed to get through this year. One more year until she can search for her long lost friend. 


"Sophie, it's time to get up honey!" Edaline called from downstairs. Sophie rolled around in bed. She decided that waking up wasn't a good idea. Later today was the opening ceremony for Foxfire. This year Sophie would be dressing up like a Unicorn. Her Flareadon costume from last year had been embarrassing, this would be even worse. But today wasn't the day to complain, she was starting level 8! Fitz graduated two years prior, and the Song twins graduated the year before. It was her turn now.

"Sophie, Biana is here!" That got Sophie's attention. She forgot that Biana was taking her shopping that day. Sophie sighed and finally got out of bed just as Biana burst through the door. After the Neverseen had been defeated Biana really stepped up her game. Her chocolate brown hair was as silky as ever and her clothes looked neat and clean. 

"Morning sleepy head! By the way, I love your hair." Biana winked. Sophie reached up to feel her hair, and sure enough, there was a huge knot. 

"Since when did you become a morning person?" Sophie asked.

"Since we could wake up and not worry about someone we care about being hurt. You know a lot has changed in the past couple of years. But now is the time to be excited! Level 8!"

"I guess you're right." Sophie admitted. "Let me get dressed and we can head to Atlantis."

"Sure! Afterward we can head to Everglen and maybe play Base Quest like old times?" Biana asked

"Yes to Everglen, but Base Quest without Keefe? It just wouldn't feel the same." Sophie looked down at her rug. Talking about Keefe was getting easier now that time had passed but it still made her sad.



Sophie walked through the doors of Havenfield to see Grady and Edaline on the couch. They both had worry lines in-between their eyebrows.

"Sophie I think you should go look upstairs." Grady said while looking anywhere but at her.

"Sure, did something happen?" Sophie asked.

"Yes, and I don't know how you are going to take it." Edaline said. She looked at Sophie and their eyes locked. She had a kind of sadness in her eyes that made the bright Turquoise color seem to fade.

 "Okay. I'll go look but you know I love you guys right?" Sophie asked. She hated how sad they looked. Grady didn't look as sad, more thoughtful.

"We know." They said at the same time.

It was then that Sophie ran over and hugged them both. She sank into the group hug. She had two loving parents that would support her through anything. It was going to be okay.

"Sophie, today you started something. And I'm not saying it is completely your fault but, It's not going to get a lot harder from here." Grady said just above a whisper. 

"I know, and I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, I'm going to fix all of this." Sophie said back in the same whisper. She hated seeing her parents so upset. Everyone looked so defeated. Like she just started a war. And maybe she had.

"I hope so." Edaline said. "Now go, look upstairs we'll be here when you're ready." Edaline released them both from the hug.

Sophie nodded and started walked to the stairs. Sandor was trailing close behind and Flori was walking in front of her. When she got to the top, her guards didn't even inspect the room, they just let her walk in like they already knew what was happening.

Maybe they did because when Sophie walked into the room and saw Iggy on her bed inside his cage and she smiled. Dex must have been here! But that didn't explain why her parents wanted her to go upstairs so badly. It wasn't until she saw the note under Iggy's cage that her world would come tumbling down.

Sophie slowly approached the bed. She was afraid of what the note could say. Did someone get hurt? If they did it could have been her fault. No! No guilt. Sophie had been having to do that a lot recently. 

She tugged at the note and it slipped out. She read through it, digesting every word and it's meaning. It was then that she sank to the floor. The note slipped from her hand. He was gone, one of her closest friends was gone. He asked her to forget him, to not try to find him. He asked her to hate him. 

It was then that Grady and Edaline walked in, saw their daughter on the floor and pulled her into another group hug. Things were changing, and they were changing fast.



Biana just looked at her friend. She could tell she was still battling with her own guilt. She walked over and pulled Sophie into a hug. "No guilt remember?" "It wasn't your fault." Sophie just nodded against her shoulder.

"Sorry Biana, I know that was years ago, but I can't stop thinking about him." Sophie admitted.

"I understand. Fitz is the same way, he was his best friend after all. But today is a happy occasion. Go get dressed, I'll be right here." Biana said as she let go from the hug.

Sophie nodded and walked over to her closest. She grabbed her favorite red tunic, some stretchy black leggings and her favorite pair of boots.  She quickly changed and brushed her hair.

She walked out to see Biana sitting on her bed. She got up and walked over to Sophie.

"You look nice, now come on! Lets go get something to wear tonight. My parents are hosting dinner after the ceremony." Biana said as she grabbed Sophie's wrist and dragged her to the door. 

Today was going to be interesting.


I hope you like this concept for a story. I have plans for where this story is going to go and I hope you like it!


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