Hunger Games AU

611 8 0

TW: violence and suicide

There's only three of us left. I see the pictures and the names of the other tributes flash on the dome surrounding us. So that leaves Levi Ackerman from 8, my district, and Reiner Braun from 2. I have no idea how I've made it this far. My brain recalls the moment I nearly died for the fifth time. My newly-made friend Eren gets a spear throw into him. I charge at the culprit. A girl with long dreadlocks and a crazed look in her eyes. I bring my sword across her neck causing blood to spill all over me. I drop my sword as my eyesight becomes blurry. I'm crying. Eren holds the spear now impaled through his stomach. He falls backward onto the ground. He makes a whimpering sound I've never heard him make before. I expect to feel sad, but instead I'm enraged. I bend down next to him lifting his head onto my knees.
"Eren it's okay you're okay it's gonna be-"
I stifle a sob that's now crawling up my throat and trying to break out of my chest. But it's too late. His glazed eyes.
A twig nearby snaps me away from my memory. I grip the sword next to me. I peek from behind the brush I'm in and catch a glimpse of a boy with dark hair and light eyes. Levi Ackerman. Thankfully it's not Reiner. He's a career so he's got an advantage. Levi slowly stalks through the thick forest surrounding us.
"Y/n?" he whispers.
What the hell?
"I know you're here. We need to team up. We can't let the Capitol's bitch win." he adds quietly.
How does he even know I'm here. Also he's probably tricking me. He doesn't have any weapons pulled though. I'll take my chances. I stand and walk through the brush showing myself to the scrawny boy. I hold my sword out in front of me cautiously.
"I didn't make it this far for someone to pull anything on me. How can I trust you?"
He furrows his brows slightly. "Let's be honest here Y/n, you don't have much of a choice. We're down to the last three. What other option do you have?"
"I can run and let you two fight it out. Maybe I'll get lucky and you'll both kill each other because of your excess of testosterone."
"Very funny. Still cracking jokes even in our last hours."
"Last hours? I'm confused do you want to survive or not?" I respond.
"I can't promise you won't die. But I can promise that we won't let someone from 2 win. Not again."
He has a point. Our freedom has been stolen and this can be our last stand.
"Fine." I draw back my sword.
He offers his hand out for a handshake. I grab his hand and before I can stop myself I pull him into a hug.
"Thanks Levi. I really didn't want to die alone."
"Sure thing." he says in a hushed voice. His grip on me tightens as he feels more comfortable. We stay there for awhile forgetting about our predicament. I sigh and we pull away at the same time. I get right back to business.
"I've been watching..." I start.
"Ha ha," I mock, "anyway I've been watching Reiner and he tends to stay next to the pond. There's this big ass tree he's always in. He's not the smartest honestly it's pretty obvious where he is. He chose the biggest landmark."
"He doesn't need to be smart. He's stronger than all of us." I look over at him and see his dark circles making his blue-grey eyes glow a little.
"Fair point."
"So how are we gonna do this Y/n?" Sneak attack? Just run in screaming?"
I take a second to think through it and respond, "we wait for him to fall asleep. Once he's asleep we go in and boom."
"Won't he be too on edge to sleep?"
"Oh please he's too arrogant for that."
The two of us hike towards the other side of the forest near the large pond. Reiner's tree comes into view.
"He's already asleep!" Levi exclaims quietly.
"Told you."
He starts walking towards him and I grab his hand.
"What?" he asks me concernedly.
"If you...if I don't make it I want you to tell my family something."
"No you'll tell them yourself."
"You know this isn't how this works." His eyes meet the ground and he frowns a little.
"Levi I need you to tell them something about me. Anything. I need you to make sure they have something that'll help them keep going."
"That's kind of a big deal. How do I decide what to say?"
"I'm sure you'll think of something."
"I don't want to do that Y/n. I don't want you to die. I don't want to die."
"I know. Let's just give one more f*ck you to the Capitol before it's over okay?"
He nods. We practically tip-toe towards Reiner's tree. It feels too easy. We're below him now. Directly. I move back a few steps so I can see his face. His neck. I'm good with a sword. But I'm even better with a bow and arrow. Levi stares at me while I assess the situation. I motion for him to hand me his bow. The odds were in our favor this time. Levi somehow got the weapon I'm best at. I grab the bow and pull an arrow against the taut string and aim. I aim right for his throat. I take a deep breath and let the arrow fly. As it hits Reiner his eyes widen immediately and his hands grab his neck. He makes a terrible screeching sound as he falls off the tree and in front of us. He is stunned and flailing for a few seconds. Then he starts to crawl towards me as I draw my sword. And then he goes limp. We did it. I turn to look at Levi. But what have we done? Levi doesn't have any of his weapons now. I look down at my sword.
"Just do it Y/n. Win for your family."
"Hell no."
"Y/n one of us has to win. Only one of us can win don't you understand?"
He's right this is impossible to avoid. If we don't kill each other they'll send something horrifying after us. Better to die this way than by-
I reach into my pocket and pull out a handful of bright pink berries.
"They're poisonous Levi."
"Don't kill yourself you idiot."
"Levi it only takes one to kill. I have a handful."
His eyes glisten with thought and then his expression settles.
"Give me half."
I walk closer to him and give him half of the berries.
Our last two f*ck you's
My hands start sweating a little. I can hear my heartbeat.
"On three?" I ask.
"On three." He agrees.
He takes my free hand and holds it in his as we stare into each other's eyes.
Are you watching mom?
This is for all of us. All of us who've been taken advantage of. Treated like sh*t.
We lift the berries into our mouth but then we hear a static sound and a familiar voice.
"The winners of the 74th Annual Hunger Games are Levi Ackerman and Y/n Y/l/n."

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