One Shot in a One Shot

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TW: brief mention of blood/ violence

Author's Note: this one is basically a few short scenes so it's nice if you're like me and get bored easily. A lot of things happen in this one if that makes sense. Anyway hehe enjoy.

"Y/n I told you already to stop pestering me."
"Pestering?" You ask while busting out laughing at his word choice. "Please Levi what kinda-" you can't finish your sentence as laughter overtakes you.
Levi appears in front of you with an angry face saying, "say that again brat."
You look at him with a raised eyebrow and try to hold in your laughs, but they escape you. All of a sudden he's right up beside your neck and says intensely, "stop being an annoying little brat Y/n or I'm going to..."
You bring your mouth to his ear asking, "going to what?"
He grabs you roughly as you quietly gasp.
You bring his chin up so your eyes meet. He stares back with a strange passion in his eyes. His steel colored eyes make your heart race. He brings his fingers to your neck grabbing gently at first. You smirk as he tightens his grip and leans your head back. He brings his lips to you and grazes over your skin. You mumble his name as you hold onto him afraid you're going to fall from the way his touch makes you feel. He suddenly picks you up in his arms as you let out a small squeal in surprise. He lays you down on his bed and you look back at him with questioning eyes.
"Someone's in a mood..."
"Shut up."
"What a grouchy old man."
He leans against the bed and you hate not being in contact with his body so you take his hands and pull him onto you, his body in between your legs as you grab his shirt bringing his chest onto your own. You feel his breathing quicken and notice yours does as well. His hands slide up your waist to the top of your shirt. He slides it off of you and then takes his own off. You look at his body. You reach your fingers up to his abs and trace them. He blushes at this and so your face forms small smile. You love this man and he loves you.


You race back towards the walls on horseback. Levi is by your side and you glance over at him. He gives you his usual stare. A titan, an abnormal it seems, sprints towards your squad.
"Captain we've got an abnormal..." Armin says worriedly.
"I've got it," you say springing off your horse whilst throwing the reigns to Levi.
"Y/n!" he shouts protesting.
You send yourself flying towards the titan and swing around to the back of its neck. You raise both of your arms and slam the blades across its nape. Easy kill you think to yourself. It falls to the ground as blood splatters against your face. Your squad is right in front of the gate entering the walls. You whistle for your horse as she races a few feet towards you.
"Good girl"
You're finally back with your team safely behind the walls.
"Y/n..." Levi says angrily.
"I don't want to hear it Levi. I handled it and I'm fine. End of story."
"You can't just go and do that without direct orders from me."
"And why's that?"
"I'm the captain." He looks at you with annoyed eyes.
"Are you really mad about this or is it something else?"
The others in your squad slowly trail away from you two.
His face now appears more sad than usual.
"Are you worried about me Captain?"
"No. No I just-"
You lightly punch his shoulder saying, "don't worry about me. I can look out for myself you know."
"But I don't want you to get hurt"
"That's kinda part of the job though isn't it?"
He looks more upset and so you stand closer to him adding, "Levi I promise if I wasn't confident I could handle it, I wouldn't have went for it. I love you and care about us. I won't let anything separate us okay?"
He suddenly wraps his arms around you. You hug him back and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"I love you too Y/n."
You smile against him and stay there for awhile. You love his touch.


You and Levi are laying down on his bed talking about life and then you notice he gets this gleam in his eye.
He rolls over on top of you giving you a thousand kisses. You love when he gets like this. He can be so sweet. Then he leans over and grabs something. He ties your hands to the posts of his bed. He has a smirk as he does this. He says to you, "you're not going anywhere Y/n."
"Wasn't planning on it love."
He kisses you all over your body and makes sure to stay on a particular part of your neck. This makes you squirm and so he keeps on. You try to grab onto him, but you remember your hands are tied. He whispers something in your ear that makes your face go bright red. You feel something against your leg.


"I made you tea Levi." He is silent.
So focused apparently. He sits at his desk with stacks of papers.
"What is it brat?"
"You better stop with that brat thing. It's very rude you know..."
You walk over to him and stroke his soft hair. A strand covering his eyes grabs your attention and you move it out of the way for him. He looks stressed. You bring your hands to his shoulders and massage them for him. He is all tense at first, but eventually he relaxes. He lets out sounds of pain and relief. You smile by his reaction. He can be dramatic sometimes and you find it amusing.
"Ow..." he says angrily.
"Are you?"
You laugh lightly and say still trying to soothe his tight muscles, "well no not really."
You eventually stop and he grabs your hand.
He pulls you to him and your lips meet. It's a sweet kiss and you feel the usual butterflies he gives you. You look at his beautiful features. You place your hand to his cheek saying, "I don't think you know how attractive you are Levi"
"Oh no I do." He says turning back to his work.
You laugh at his response.

Levi Ackerman One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now