Siren Levi x Reader AU

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TW: drowning

You loved the sea. You preferred it over the land by far. You spent most of your time on a boat just sailing and getting swept away by the warm breeze. You decide to go on a solo sail, something your family warned against, but you never did listen to them. You relax on the boat next to a basket of your food and a bag of supplies. You planned to stay out for the weekend. You love being outside because it feels freeing, but also because you get a nice tan out of it. You're going along a different route than usual and the water is calm. You can tell by the clouds and wind patterns whether or not you're ever in trouble. You look to your right and see a small island with tall trees. There's a bird swirling above the trees cawing loudly. You stare at the clouds above you. All clear. You lay on the boat as the waves lull you into a light sleep. About an hour later you awake noticing you can't feel the sun on you anymore. That's odd. You stand up grabbing the sail ready to change direction, but it is only cloudy. You assume by the little amount that there's nothing to worry about. You didn't want to turn back. You look beyond the cloud cover and see a light blue sky. It'll be sunny in no time. You sit back down and grab a book to read. You're pulled into the story as the sun sets and the air begins to feel so nice on your skin. You take in a deep breath of the fresh air, but you feel something hit your boat. That can't be good. You straighten up and look around. Nothing looks out of the ordinary and you're too far out for there to be rocks. Suddenly you hear a beautiful tone fill your ears. Someone's singing? You unknowingly stand up and walk towards the edge of the boat. You want to get closer to the voice. It is calling to you. Who is that? It's such a lovely voice so you imagine whoever it's coming from must be lovely as well. You feel the strong need to find them. But, where are they? Maybe if I just get a little closer...
You fall into the water, but you don't react. You hear the voice louder now and see a shimmer of light below you. It gets closer and you see it's a man. Well the upper part of him is human. What is he? The voice is coming from him and he swims around you. You lock eyes with him and he gets closer. His hands slide up your legs as you are stuck in his trance. He grabs you around the waist and pulls you down further into the water. Deep, deep, down into the ocean where no light is found. Besides the light of the creature holding you. His hair flows with the water and his eyes glow with a blue and grey tint. You put your hand to his face. He isn't singing anymore, but just staring. You can't look away. Your lungs burn. Why do they burn? Wait. You come out of his trance and see you're in the deep depths of the sea and you let out a scream from fear. Bubbles float up from your scream as he holds tighter to you. You try to fight your way from him, but you can't hold your breath any longer. His hands still around you, while you wilt away. You hold tightly onto his arms trying to not breathe in the water, but you can't hold it back anymore. He stares at you with a mysterious look as water enters your lungs. I'm going to die...
Your body becomes weak and you slide off of the creature's body and down closer to the sea floor. His glow gets smaller and you feel light. Your vision fades as darkness takes over and then it's all over. You feel your body falling, but you can't feel anything else. Your mind, soul, whatever it is, transports someplace else. You're in a field of flowers. Your childhood pet rabbit is sitting next to you. What's happening? You feel calm and not worried, but you do feel confused. You try to remember what happened, but all you remember is darkness and before that, being with your family. You hear a flutter next to your ear and turn to see a brightly colored butterfly. You smile as it lands on your finger you lift up towards it. Your rabbit, somehow in this place with you, hops onto your lap. You stroke its soft fur and it falls asleep on you. You hear a soft song being sung. Where is it coming from? It feels familiar...

Levi's POV

I watch the girl float down into the darkness. She looks so alone. She was beautiful. Strangely I don't want to kill her. I'm supposed to, but I can't. Before I can stop myself, I'm swimming after her. But why? I catch her in my arms and look at her face. She looks more at peace. Maybe I should just let her go. I don't want to. I want to know more about her. I have never seen a human quite like her. I swim up to the surface still holding the girl. I find her boat and lift her onto it. I lean up onto the boat and gently push the hair out of her face. I sing my song we use for healing and I see the life come back to her body. Her color is back to normal and her chest now rises and falls for some reason. Humans seem to breathe that way I assume. I stop my song and quickly hide below the boat as I see her eyes start to slowly open. I don't go too far down for fear of losing the chance to meet this strange girl.

2nd Person POV

You follow the song and see a light. You follow it and feel yourself back in your body. You feel cold and wet. You sit up with a gasp. You remember everything now. You look over the edge of the boat and in the water. You see a faint glow. You know this light.
You want to talk to him. Whatever he is.
"Hey you! Get up here! I can see you!"
The light eventually gets closer and you see a head appear above the surface.
He stares at you with what looks like embarrassment.
"What are you?"
He doesn't speak to you. So you ask again.
"What are you?" you say more authoritative this time.
"Doesn't matter what I am."
"Okay fine then. Why did you try to kill me? Or better yet, why did you decide to save me?" you ask crossing your arms to stop the cold.
"Because I wanted to."
"I assume you don't normally save people you try to kill."
"No I never do. We draw in sailors and then kill them."
"Who's we?"
"Please stop asking so many questions," he says looking annoyed. He comes closer and leans on the boat with his arms.
"Fine," you say feeling offended. The audacity of this guy. He murders me and then saves me for some weird reason. Who even does that? You both stare at each other. Your assumption earlier about him looking lovely was correct. He is very nice looking. Suddenly he says, "my name is Levi." You look at him surprised.
"I'm Y/n."
"Y/n...." he repeats and then adds, "you're very pretty Y/n."
"What?" you ask suddenly blushing.
You look at him bewildered. What a strange creature this man is...

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