Prince Levi x Reader AU

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You walk through the blooming fields of various plants. The air feels clean and the sun is shining on your skin. Your h/c hair glows. You make your way towards a tall tree with leaves and branches that droop down beautifully. You lean against the trunk of the tree and sit blissfully. You are calm and content. You remain there for quite awhile until your relaxed state is interrupted. You hear dozens of horse hooves. They pound towards your direction and you wonder who would be traveling with such a large group of people. They make their way past you and you catch a glimpse of who you assume is the reason they're all there. He wears a long dark green cape and it flows with the wind. His hair curtains his face perfectly so you can make out his features. He has lovely grey eyes. You finally realize it's Prince Levi. You had seen him in the kingdom at certain ceremonies, but never out like this. He looks happy.

"Don't be ridiculous Sasha. They will never let us go to the ball."
"You don't know that. Maybe they will."
You weren't of the highest ranks when it came to royalty, but you were deemed 'Lady Y/n', which meant to those who were of the highest ranks, that you aren't completely irrelevant.
"If we just asked our uncle I'm sure he'd say we could."
"Fine," you say reluctantly. You weren't in the mood to be disappointed. They always throw a big ball every year and it's said to be just amazing. You weren't ever invited, but ever since your family rose in ranks you might be able to. You and Sasha walk together to your uncle's chambers. He looks at you with tired eyes.
"Erwin! Y/n and I want to go to the ball! Please please can we?"
She sounds like such a child...but deep down you feel the same.
Your uncle brings his fingers to his forehead seemingly thinking about the question and says, "well it seems you're in luck because we just got these..."
He hands you two letters with the royal crest on it. Sasha squeals in excitement as you smile at her happily.

"Oh you can't wear that Sasha it clashes with your skin tone."
"I'm only saying that to help," you say holding your hands up in defense. You two finally decide on a dress to wear. You choose a f/c dress with sheer sleeves. It sparkles in the light and compliments your features very well. You decide to walk around the grounds of the kingdom. You're going down a winding staircase not paying a bit of attention and then all of a sudden you feel yourself run into someone. The impact sends you practically flying back into the wall behind you.
"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention and I-" you stop speaking as you make eye contact with your victim.
"Prince Levi..." you curtesy to him and keep your eyes down so as not to disrespect him from the eye contact.
"Tch. No need for that."
You look up at him surprised and say embarrassed, "I really am sorry I should've been looking where I was going. Are you alright?"
"You're the one who hit the wall."
You stare at him not knowing what to say. You've never talked to someone who is as important as him.
"Anyway it's fine. Don't worry about it alright?"
You bow your head down and say, "of course."
He walks by you and the breeze from his movement moves your hair out of your face. You look back to see him leave. I just ran into Prince Levi?!

"Sasha Sasha Sasha..." you burst through your bedroom door looking a hot mess and so she walks to you worried asking, "what is it?"
"I just met the prince..."
"The prince?" She says surprised and asks, "what was he like?"
"Oh never mind that. I didn't tell you the worst part. I ran into him. Like I hit him basically-"
"You did what?!"
"I know, I know, I feel terrible."
Sasha looks at you in shock, but suddenly laughs.
"Oh please Y/n that is so embarrassing!"
"Wh-what? I didn't mean to!"
She just keeps laughing at you and now you feel even more upset. You walk into your bathroom to get ready for bed and stare in the mirror.
How on earth am I supposed to go to the ball after doing that? I don't think I can ever face the Prince again. Luckily I don't see him that much, but at the ball it's inevitable.

"Y/n you look absolutely gorgeous!" says Sasha.
"You look so pretty too!" She's in a very light pink dress that cascades to the floor with ruffles. I really don't want to go. I really don't want to go. You keep repeating this to yourself anxiously, but know if you were invited it would be incredibly rude to not go. You and Sasha walk hand in hand into the ballroom. The ceiling is painted with art depicting angels and fluffy white clouds. There are golden chandeliers and an orchestra in the corner playing a sweet song. There are many people already, but a certain person catches your eye. Prince Levi...
"There he is..."
"What?" Sasha asks in a confused voice.
"The Prince."
"Oh yeah you better keep your distance from him. Don't want to go running into him again."
"Ha ha," you say sarcastically.
The music speeds up a bit and people start grabbing partners and dancing. You stand to the side watching couples glide across the floor. Their reflections shine on the extremely shiny marble floor. You are so mesmerized by the scene that you don't see who is approaching you.
"Excuse me?" a familiar deep voice says.
You are torn from your trance as you ask, "yes?" and then your eyes widen at the sight you see. You start to curtesy as he says, "I thought I told you there's no need for that."
You stand up normally and say, "yes you did I'm sorry-"
"And the apologizing must go as well. It simply won't do."
You stare at him not knowing what to say. He holds his hand out to you as he asks, "shall we?"
He's asking me to dance? Me?
You take his hand and he directs you to the middle of the room. The others slowly stop dancing to watch you two. He looks you in your eyes. He really looks for the first time and you try to hold back a blush, but you never really could do that anyway. He places his hand on your waist and you rest your hand on his shoulder. You two sway back and forth simply, but the music quickens and the Prince helps you move around in the most majestic way. You twirl and he catches you when it seems like he couldn't possibly. The whole time you two just look into each other's eyes. His gaze makes your heart race. The song finishes and he stands there hand in hand with you.
"I forgot to ask, what's your name?"
"Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n."
He seems to smile now. You look at him questioning everything that has happened.
"Walk with me?" he asks.
You follow him outside to a courtyard you hadn't been able to go through previously. It is filled with green vines and brightly colored flowers. You two talk for awhile and his eyes light up when you speak. He genuinely listens to you and it makes you feel happy. When he speaks it sounds like a song to you. His words just make sense to you. You aren't scared of him anymore. He doesn't hold the feel of superiority you notice in other people you've met around the castle. He sees you on the same level as himself. You had always worried about trying to get a higher rank because you thought it was important. But the Prince made you realize that none of that mattered. He helped you see you're more than a rank and have a greater worth. He brings his hand to your face and caresses your cheek. He gently but passionately brings his lips to yours and you simply hold onto his hands. You both pull alway slowly and look at each other with shy smiles. He blushes which makes your heart flutter. Did I just kiss a prince? Did a prince just kiss me?

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