Levi x Injured Reader

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TW: blood and violence
Song: Für Elise - Reimagined by Alexander Joseph
Mikasa flies around a titan with her ODM gear and slices out the nape. I glance at her quick motion marveling at how talented she is already. Armin and Sasha take down a 10 meter titan while blood splatters onto their faces making them squint. I propel towards a real ugly one and take it out quickly. I look over and see Levi with a 15 meter. It's huge and makes my stomach turn. The way it looms over us and smiles. He swirls around it cutting its arms off easily. He glides in a beautiful motion. Damn. Kinda hot. My titan falls to the ground with steam pouring out near my face. I turn and see Levi's titan try and take a bite at him. Oh no you don't. I quickly fly to the titan and help Levi out. I know he doesn't want my help, but I'm giving it anyway. It almost eats him whole again. That was too close.
"Captain let me distract him while you take it out!" I yell at him. Levi nods in response as I scream at the titan. It looks at me and smirks even more. Creepy. I fly towards its face and stab it in attempt to help out Levi. I succeed, but as I do so the titan jolts quickly out of nowhere nearly biting my arm off. I scream out in pain and blood gushes through its teeth. Levi kills it and I fall to the ground. I land on the ground knocking the air out of my lungs. My arm. It hurts. Pain floods my body and my vision becomes fuzzy. No don't fall asleep. Not now. A figure flies down to me. I think it's Levi but I can't tell. He bends down pulling some kind of cloth off himself and wrapping it around my arm. He ties it so tight I can't help but scream yet again. I've never felt this amount of pain. Ever. Levi grabs my good hand and says something to me, but I can't make it out. I shakily breathe as I feel as if I'll be sick. Then it all goes away and darkness consumes me.

I feel like I'm floating. It's a familiar feeling for some reason. It's getting bright, but I don't want it to. I feel good. My eyes flutter open and my pain returns. I take in the scene before me. We are back in the walls and someone is carrying me while they use their ODM gear. I try to look with my head but all I can move are my eyes. I see dark hair flow in the wind. I also see icy grey eyes. Levi. I feel out of touch like this for a few minutes. I keep going in and out of sleep and it's nothing pleasant. I finally feel myself being laid down on a bed. The movement makes me clench my teeth.
It's still Levi taking care of me. I finally come to my senses and am fully aware.
"Levi. I'm sorry I-"
"You don't need to apologize let's just get you fixed up l/n." I kind of like it when he calls me by my last name.
Normally Hange tended to our wounds but they were called by Commander Pyxis for some sort of meeting.
"I need to take your shirt off. Is that okay?"
If only he was asking me that in a different circumstance. Of course Levi and I aren't close like that. We are mostly just friends.
"Yeah that's fine."
He takes the bloodied white button up off of me and sets it aside. The smell of blood makes me sick. Levi looks at me and asks, "Don't forget to take deep breaths. You have lost a lot of blood." I don't know how that's supposed to help, but I follow his directions anyway. He looks over my arm and shoulder as he unties his makeshift tourniquet. I squint my eyes not wanting to see my arm.
"Is it as bad as it feels?" I ask looking in another direction.
"It's not good. Here take this." He hands me some kind of pill and I take it with the cup of water already by the bed.
"That should help with the pain, but remember it takes a second for it to kick in."
"Well in that case let's wait before we do anything with..." I look at my mutilated arm, "...this."
I hold back my lunch that's now creeping up my throat. Levi gently moves my head to face the other way.
"Don't worry Y/n. I can fix this really quickly okay?"
Hey I've been through worse right? Or have I?
"Okay...yeah okay I trust you just do it."
I could tell by the quick look I took that I need stitches. I see Levi walk towards the direction I'm facing to open a cabinet. He grabs a bottle of antiseptic and some tools he will need. Even through this pain I still notice the way he moves. I notice his hands. His hands are really nice to look at. Levi in general is nice to look at.
"Okay so I'm gonna clean it first" I expect him to count down or ask if I'm ready, but he practically drowns my arm in the antiseptic. It takes a second then burns like hell fire. I grab the sheets with my good hand and clench them in my fists. I really feel like punching Levi in the face right now, but I know he's helping me. I just need to calm down. He starts stitching me up and I have to call out in pain a few times because of the sting it causes. My arm feels raw and like...well it got chewed on by a titan. I feel sweat form on my forehead. He wraps my arm and shoulder with gauze and then says, "all done."
I let out a long sigh and feel like crying, but I don't want him to see me cry. I hold back the tears and say, "took you long enough."
"You're welcome brat."
I move to look at him and my arm feels like it gets stabbed multiple times. I hiss, but finally can see him.
"Thanks Captain."
He gives me a sad smile and is about to walk out, but I say, "Levi?"
He pauses at the door looking back at me, "yeah?"
I look down at the ground and then back up in his eyes.
"Can you stay?" silence. "Please?"
His eyes practically light up and he walks towards me.
He sits on the side of the bed where my good arm is and leans back so we are facing each other.
"Are you okay?"
I laugh which only makes my arm hurt more.
"Levi I have literally never been better. Can't you see?"
He looks me over and he arches his eyebrow.
"Don't look at me like that..."
I hide my blush as he continues looking at me. His eye contact really gets to me. We talk about anything and everything but what went on today. We talk about our dreams and our futures. I didn't know Levi had such wonderful dreams. I suppose we all do, but I just never knew he planned on doing so much in his life. It's admirable really. My eyes feel as if they have weights on them pulling them down. Sleep is calling to me and although I want to talk to Levi, my body wants to sleep. I let sleep take over.
Levi continues speaking for a few seconds without realizing Y/n had finally fell asleep. He looks at her secretly in awe of her beauty. A sweet smile forms on his face. He leans over and kisses her on the forehead. "Goodnight Y/n."

Levi Ackerman One ShotsDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu